For Your Pets’ General Well-Being - Powell Veterinary Service

Kersey, CO vets offer varied services for pets

The well-known Powell Veterinary Service based in Kersey, CO offers the areas around Kersey their services that are aimed at keeping every dog and cat owner satisfied that their pets are given excellent care whenever they are unwell, but also during those times that they need to know that preventative care ensures that potential ailments and adverse health conditions are picked up – even before they cause illness or stress.

To this end the service offers their so-called wellness tests and exams which pet owners schedule at a time that suits all: the animal is tested for various possible diseases or conditions that may lead to illness. These are thorough tests to ensure your pet is healthy and potential problems picked up early.

These tests may take on many forms, for example blood tests, urine tests, tests for hearing, dental checks and a number of tests that are routinely run on healthy pets. The Clinic’s President, Mark H. Powell DVM was interviewed at their upscale offices that offer all the latest, technologically advanced machines and equipment recently when he elaborated about their clinic and how they can assist dog and cat owners, “At PVS we understand pets’ needs and owners’ expectations. We honestly believe it is important to ensure your pet, from a very young age, should be brought in for routine checkups.

During the wellness tests we run we are able to establish whether or not there are any issues present that can be treated – or even avoided – with early intervention. Please schedule a meeting with us for your own peace of mind, and for your pet’s ongoing good health.

Talk you your vet that knows your pet and keeps proper records of visits and the animals’ total medical history to schedule these wellness tests. As a general rule one should ensure that younger, healthy pets come in at least once a year for a routine visit; older pets more regularly. These tests are advised as a preventative measure by PVS.

The service has been available for many years, and their vets, technicians and support staff offer great knowledge of many different breeds and their profiles, as well as great experience and the necessary expertise required to perform preventative care, but also surgeries such as spaying and neutering, but also advanced surgeries for injured animals, for example. The Clinic is known for offering a complete, total service to aid pets’ health in their region.

Some owners have brought all their different pets – from puppy-hood and kitten-hood – to the Clinic for wellness tests, and treatment whenever necessary, until that last, sad moment when the animal has to be euthanized and cremated. Many owners and their pets have come a long way with PVS.

About Us: At Powell Veterinary Service we offer all pet owners almost 30 years of dedicated, unrivalled service to ensure their pets remain healthy and happy. We offer great experience and are proud of the services we offer with regard to all aspects of animal care. We perform surgeries, we spay and neuter, we offer boarding facilities and we provide puppies for different activities that appeal to our clients. At PVS we also offer a wellness service for pets to ensure any conditions are picked up early. We are Kersey, CO based and serve the surrounding areas. We are available by appointment, but also for emergency situations. Pets are our passion and we ensure that your animal receives excellent treatment from our practice. For more about us please visit