Professional Responsibilities

Year 4


My inital goal for my year 4 practicum is continue to work on receving feedback from my mentor teacher to improve my lesson planning with a focus how I can improve them to meet the needs for diverse learners. My Year 3 practicum allowed me to start this process but I wish to continue to build on it during my 4th year.

Year 3 Practicum


My goal for my third year practicum is to work on receiving feedback from my mentor teacher and use it to improve my lesson planning by the end of the semester (PR, 1). I will look to track this goal through verbal and written communication with my mentor teacher.


I believe that I acheived my goal for my Year 3 Practicum. I consistently sought feedback from my mentor teacher after lessons and looked to improve my lesson plans around them. During lessons, I would ask about different ways of doing something and adjust on the fly. The comments from my mentor teacher in the Midterm and Final Practicum Evaluations highlight the growth in this area.

Midterm Evaluation

"He asks great questions and continually seeks feedback. When suggestions are made it is noted that Greg will come to his next lesson prepared to implement any suggestions that have been made." 

Final Evaluation

"He took this on and continually was open to feedback throughout his practicum. When given feedback Greg reflected and I could see intentional changes the next day as he continued to improve upon his teaching." 

WINTER 2023- EDUC 2375


My goal for this semester is to teach a variety of new lessons while continuing to improve my classroom management skills by acquiring new methods that can be easily implemented.


I was able to meet my goal for this semester in the areas of new lesson opportunities and in my classroom management skills. I used a variety of lesson plan options during our Three Connected Lesson Plan Assignment. The lessons included a Read Aloud and Comprehension lesson, a Roleplaying lesson and a Writing lesson. Each lesson provided me an opportunity to try a new way to teaching and help improve my skills. I was also able to work on my classroom management skills with new methods such as using songs or rhymes and hand signals like "quiet coyote" to gain students' attention.

FALL 2022- EDUC  2371


My goal for next semester is to take the feedback from my Mentor Teacher and look to make changes in the areas that are needed. I want to work toward teaching a variety of new lessons as well as continuing to hone my classroom management skills.

Action Plan

In order to meet my goals, I need to become more active in lesson planning with my Mentor Teacher and take opportunities to teach when they arise. I have found my "teacher voice" but I need to use it more often in the classroom to continue to grow my management skills.

Artifact from Fall 2022

The Read Aloud Reflection allowed me to look back on what I did and receive feedback from my facilitator that can help me improve in the future. This demonstrates "deep thinking through seminar responses, lesson critques, and journal reflections" (PR, 10).

WINTER 2022 - EDUC 1233


My goal for this semester is to learn different ways to collaborate with other teachers and how they create professional relationships with one another as well as within the community. I want to learn how teachers from different grades utilize each other and work together to support student learning. I also wish to find examples of how teachers use their community to expand students' learning. 


My strategy is to meet with different teachers during my field experience and ask about ways that they have previously collaborated with one another and within their community. I would like to see some examples of how they work with each other.

Students on the stage, ready for their big performance! An example of collaboration between members of the community and the teachers.


In my field experience, I learned that different grades will collaborate with each other on projects that are headed by the teachers. Some teachers are given an initiative to spearhead and they will work with the whole school to complete. One example that I saw had a student leadership group from grade seven come to trace and cut out handprints of grade one students for a school community project.

We also had a theater group come into the classroom and teach our students basic acting techniques as well as use them in a skit that they were putting together. This was a great example of using a partner in the community to teach students in a non traditional way. 

FALL 2021 - EDUC 1231


My goal is to create a deeper understanding of the responsibilities set out in the Teaching Quality Standard and put them towards practical use in a classroom setting.


In order to be successful with my plan, I must continue to stay up to date with the teaching policies that are implemented and develop a greater knowledge base on First Nations, Metis and, Inuit Peoples as well as pick up more tools on how to create an inclusive environment.


Our field experience provided me with more knowledge on how to be a professional in a classroom setting. My mentor teacher was very helpful in offering advice on policies and legal frameworks. We discussed what it looked like to take children on field trips and what kind of paperwork is needed before a field trip can take place. I feel like I have grown in understanding how important it is to follow the policies and legal framework that is given to us in the Alberta Teaching Quality Standard.

An example of clear instruction for a field trip in compliance with Professional Responsibilities.