About Me

 What Makes Me Who I Am

Friends and Family

My friends and family are the ones who have shaped me into who I am today. I would not be here without any of them.  My partner has been my rock and has taught me about being present and not stressing about things that I cannot control. My stepson has refueled my passion for learning and curiosity as he navigates the beginning of his education journey. I consider myself blessed to have such a close-knit group of friends who push each other to be better versions of themselves. All of my friends were incredibly supportive when I considered going back to University to change my career. 


I am a passionate sports fan even though my athleticism is lacking. I have been a loyal fan of the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Toronto Blue Jays for as long as I can remember. In the summer, I play in a softball league and for several years have taken part in charity tournaments. I also enjoy fishing and rock climbing. Sports teach teamwork, confidence, and leadership. They can teach you how to accept defeat and be gracious in victory. They give you a sense of accomplishment and pride in your craft. To me, sports provide an opportunity to better oneself while having fun.

 Animals and Plants

I have had animals my entire life. I grew up with dogs but I was secretly a cat person the entire time. My parents have had two dogs, Tank and Cash, for most of my life. Sadly,  both Tank and Cash passed away recently. They were both very important to me as I made my way through my teenage years. My family has a cat named MeowMeow who my stepson named. I believe that pets help teach compassion towards others, create responsibility, and helps to foster emotional growth.

During the pandemic, I developed a green thumb and started learning about and growing plants and herbs. I found it to be an interesting way to engage my stepson as it provided tangible objects for him to observe as they grow, flourish, and in some cases die.  We were able to look at different types of plants and see what made them successful or what we could do better the next time. Overall, we now have 15 plants thriving in our home!