General Education Courses

ENGL 2141- Literature for Young Children: This course offers a critical study of literature for young children (ages two-eight). By providing a survey of the various genres of children's literature, this course introduces students to the range of work available for preschool and primary school children. Students will also be given opportunities to develop their skills for oral presentation and written composition.

Reflections: I wanted to develop a better understanding of children's books and what makes them effective. This course went into great detail about nursery rhymes, fairy tales, classic children's stories, and modern children's books. I found that the information gave me a better knowledge base about why particular stories are good for children. I believe that this course is excellent at supporting me as a future teacher as it gave me an appreciation for children's books and how the subtleties in the way that they are composed, written, and, illustrated are intentional for early childhood development.

CNST 1131- Canadian Studies: This course introduces students to the diversity and complexity of Canadian society. Popular culture, art, music, politics, the economy, regionalism, and ethnic relations are some of the topics that may be examined. This course also addresses issues such as identity, difference, nationhood, and patriotism.

Reflections: The focus of this course centered around Indigenous history in Canada. It dove deep into the colonization of Canada and the intent to assimilate Indigenous Peoples into Canada. The course looked at themes of Indigenous identity before and after colonization as well as the potential for a brighter future. I learned a great deal about Indigenous history and the process of healing that I believe will translate well to teaching. It is my goal to promote inclusivity and Truth and Reconciliation in my classroom.

GNED 1101- Scientific and Mathematical Literacy: Students will expand their understanding of the intersections of mathematics, science, and technology with daily life. The course will develop and apply critical thinking and scientific reasoning skills through the examination of issues drawn from the real world and current events.

Reflections: This course took me by surprise. I thought it would be pretty easy to understand coming from a finance background. I did not anticipate how challenging it would be. But some good came out of it, this course taught me to remember that not everything comes easy but finding ways to work through your problems is as important as the course material itself. I want my students to show effort in their work but I must do the same if expect it from them. I want to bring this mentality into my classroom every day as a future teacher.

ANTH 1101- Primatology & Human Evolution: This course will consider human evolution, the role of biosocial phenomena in the evolution of physical structure and social behavior, and the origins and development of culture.

Reflections: This course focused on the evolution of humans throughout our history and the early establishment of culture and toolmaking. I learned a lot about the perseverance of humanity and the unrelenting progress that we continue to strive for. The course was very interesting on a historical level of where we came from and how things came to be. I believe that this course will help me as a future teacher as it provided me with a different perspective on evolution and gave me the tools to discuss evolutionary theory in a classroom setting.

GNED 1404- Writing About Images: This foundational composition course focuses on writing about images. Students will refine their understanding and practice of the structures of writing by responding to and analyzing images.

Reflections: I learned a lot about passion and engagement from this course. We spent the majority of the time speaking about gender equality and world injustices. Our teacher sought out participation from her students and created an environment that was inclusive. This class was supposed to be about writing but I learned way more than that. This course will make me a better teacher in the future as it showed me firsthand what one needs to do to have their students actively engaging and wanting to learn more.

Undergraduate Courses

UGST 1002- Change, Challenge, and Choice: This course presents current research and strategies related to effective coping in a rapidly-changing world. Topics such as stress, effective coping, relating and working well with others, and putting change in perspective are included. Lectures, discussions, and assignments are intended to emphasize the applicability of what students are learning to experiences they are likely to encounter during their lives, and particularly as students in the university setting.

Reflections: This course taught me about proper coping methods, self-care, and creating a healthy lifestyle. All of these are important in order to be a successful teacher and help support me in the future. This is important to remember to take care of one's mental well-being and not burn out by doing too much.