Teaching Competencies

Professional Responsibilities

My professional responsibilities as a teacher include fostering effective relationships, engaging in career-long learning, establishing inclusive learning environments, applying foundational knowledge about First Nations, Metis, and Inuit, as well as adhering to legal frameworks and policies. It is important to be a professional in the classroom while creating a safe and inclusive environment. As a teacher, I must continue to learn and adapt to changing climates while still following the policies that have been laid out before me.

Alberta Education Teaching Quality Standard (n.d.)

An example of an initial interview form from my field experience. This helps my mentor teacher get an understanding of where the child is on a learning level.

Planning for Learning  

Planning for learning is an essential part of being a teacher.  In order to be a successful teacher, one must have a body of knowledge to work with and tailor it to different learning strategies. A teacher must plan to meet the learning needs of every student and have a knowledge of how students develop as learners.

Facilitate Learning 

To facilitate learning, a teacher needs to use many different strategies to engage learners. They need to communicate and collaborate with students while providing clear explanations about what is expected. A teacher should make sure that their lessons are paced with enough time for students to reflect and ask questions.

An assignment we did in our field experience. The students needed to separate the skittles by colour and then write the number of how many there were. 

An assessment sheet that we used to review where the students were on a learning level in my field experience.


Assessing students is a major part of being a teacher. Identifying learner needs and making adjustments allows teachers to help students reach their maximum potential. A teacher needs to provide feedback to students so they can understand their own learning is and how they improve on it.  Assessment data also offers evidence to where a student is at on a learning level.

Inclusive Environment 

An inclusive environment makes learning safe. As a teacher, effective classroom routines and procedures are integral in creating positive student behaviour.  The teacher must create a respectful learning environment that encourages learners to take risks, build trust and embrace diversity. 

An example of an inclusive environment in my field experience class. Every child matters was the theme.