Praticum and 

Field Experience Evaluations

Year 3 Practicum

Saint Josephine Bakhita School

Grade 3

My practicum at St. Josephine Bakhita helped me grow in all facets of my teaching competencies. I learned how important it was to establish relationships early on in order to build a safe environment for student learning. The practicum taught me that receiving feedback from peers and adjusting ones approach is an intergral part of learning and becoming a better educator. It also got me out of my comfort zone and gave me the opportunty to plan lessons in subjects such as math and try new ways to facilitate learning such as place-based learning. It also offered me a chance to improve my assessments skills through formative and summative tools such as checklists, whole group responses, role plays, paper activities and exit slips.

Year 2

Dr. J. K. Mulloy School


Year 1

 Our Lady of Assumption School
