Planning for Learning 

Year 4


My goal for Year 4  is to find intentional ways to incorporate the strength and diversity of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit culture into lessons. I wish to discuss what my mentor teacher does to authentically integrate Indigenous culture into their lessons and what resources they use to inform their lessons.

Year 3 Practicum


My goal for my Year 3 Practicum is to learn about different students needs in my classroom by the end of the second week and implement alternate learning experiences into my planning for the remainder of the practicum (PL, 5). My goal is to keep track of different learners needs through a student plan.


I developed a classroom support plan in order to help identify different students' needs during my practicum. In order to assist with student learning, I planned lessons that included a variety of alternate learning experiences. My lessons included whole group discussion with videos and other visuals, manipulatives such as whiteboards, small group work, roleplaying, partner work, as well as written or drawn formats. Most of the lessons incorporated more than one learning experience. The variety allowed students to have different ways of learning and provided options for diverse learners.  

WINTER 2023- EDUC 2375


My goal for this semester is to take strategies that I will learn from the Education and Individual Development and Effective Assessment classes and incorporate them into the classroom.


I was able to improve my planning in terms of differentiation with diverse learners from strategies from the Education and Individual Development class. My goal for our KWL Paper had me focus on how to teach diverse learners and I was able to learn some strategies through the guidance of my Mentor Teacher. The Effective Assessment class taught me about Backwards Design and how it is the backbone to lesson planning. I was able to use Backwards Design in my Three Connected Lesson Plan as a way to begin with the end in mind and then build my plan afterwards.

FALL 2022- EDUC 2371


My goal for next semester is to learn more about different learner development and incorporate them into different learning experiences for students.

Action Plan

In order to meet my goal, I will utilize the Education courses next term where we focus on Education and Individual Development as well as Effective Assessment. I will also use in-classroom experiences with students who have different learner needs to help build upon my knowledge.

Artifact from Fall 2022

My Read Aloud Lesson Plan has several activities such as group predicting and answering questions throughout as well as an assignment about sequencing at the end. This demonstates "varied activities and assignments that are relevant, clearly aligned with learning goals, require deep thinking and support student engagement, collaboration and choice" (PL, 7).

WINTER 2022 - EDUC 1233


My goal for this semester is to learn about the different programs of studies from Alberta Education and how to incorporate them into my lesson plans. 


My strategy is to review lesson plans that my mentor teacher has previously made and see how she has incorporated different programs of studies into her learning. I will also take the time to read the program of studies myself in order to gain a better understanding of what the Kindergarten Social Studies outcomes are for my lesson plan assignment. 


My growth in planning for learning was greatly contributed by our lesson plan assignment. I was able to get a good grasp on what the program of studies outcomes are for Kindergarten Social Studies and was able to develop a lesson plan around being unique. Using previous lesson plans from my mentor teacher also provided me with an idea of how play-based and center-based learning can still connect with the Alberta Education program of studies outcomes.

FALL 2021 - EDUC 1231


My goal is to create lessons with activities that are relevant to the curriculum being taught that help engage students and offer deeper thinking. 


My strategy is to plan ahead and discuss constructive habits with established teachers that will allow me to build upon my knowledge base. I will be organized by having an outline of what my lesson plans are and I will listen to students' needs and responses in order to adapt my teaching methods for different learners.


This semester I learned that there is a lot of work behind the scenes that goes into making an effective lesson plan. Through my field experience and in our Education class, I learned about the use of hidden curriculum to teach more than what is being shown on an assignment. 

Students had a lesson about healthy eating and made apples out of paper plates. While the lesson was about healthy foods, the craft demonstrated following directions and the use of fine motor skills as part of hidden curriculum.