Planet Cat Sanctuary

The First Ten Million Years

This is a speculative evolution project about the future evolution of cats on a terraformed planet and other species they share this new planet with. Two seeding events brought Earth life to this world. Both seeding events had a very different reason and time. Around 11,000 years ago the first human colony brought the foundational species. But the terraforming process was interrupted, and it wouldn't be until around 400 years in the future from now that a lone human on a ship against all odds found the planet in his time of desperation and need. This brought a few additional species, most notably his feline friends, but also rabbits, mice, sparrows, bees and a few plants.

This project is all about the journey of the cats long after the passing of their ancestors' owner, showing cats and other life at various points in time millions of years in-between. 

Story from the beginning

All Species


Updates - Last updated 29/04/2024

Status as of 29/04/2024 - Working on 10 Myh: Other Cardivan Padlcats.