

There are several scholarships and grants that you can apply to. The different calls are open in different moments of the course. The most important calls are:

These scholarships cover all the PhD period. You have to be prepared to apply for these scholarships and not wait until the last day. In the process of application you can ask for help to the administrative head of the department, to the PhD program coordinator and to your supervisor. We all want you to make a succesfull application.

There are also other calls of different type. Some are also scholarships covering the full PhD period, while others are research grants.You can find here a list of recent calls:

There is one project in the department, "Economy and Climate Change: determinants, inequalities and mitigation", .

  • Award "Enrique Fuentes Quintana" for doctoral thesis in social sciencies (FUNCAS)

PhD Program in Applied Economics

Department of Applied Economics

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Av. Eix Central - Edifici B - Campus UAB

08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona), SPAIN