Annual workshop

Doctoral Workshop 2024


Every year we organize a doctoral workshop in order to assess the progress of the PhD candidates. All the students participate. The workshop takes place in a very friendly environment in which both professors and students give their advice and feed-back to the candidates.

The PhD follow-up workshop of 2024 (12th Doctoral Workskhop) will take place in June, 17- 18 2024, following the same forma of previous courses.

All the graduate students enrolled in the PhD Program in Applied Economics must be reviewed each year to track the progress of their work, in the fulfillment of the UAB normative in reference to European Higher Education Area (EHEA) PhD programs.

The PhD academic board approves and announces each year the annual schedule of the follow-up sessions. The progress of each PhD student will be assessed by a specific committee composed of three members: two common members for all committees (that this course will be chosen among the members of the CAPD: Rosella Nicolini, David Castells-Quintana, Maria Cervini, Miquel-Àngel Garcia-López  and José Luis Roig Sabaté plus a third expert, who will be selected according to the research field of the thesis’s candidate.

The possible evaluation results are: “favourable”, “favourable with observations” and “non-favourable”. A “favourable with observations” evaluation involves the requirement to the student to take into account the formulated remarks. In the report of the following year, the student must indicate how the required changes have been taken into account. If the assessment is “non-favourable”, the PhD candidate can register to be reassessed in March of the following year. Non attendance of the follow up process without any reasoned justification involves to be expelled from the PhD program.


Content of the research report

The research report presented by the student must have a common structure, composed of the next parts:



 The presentation of papers will follow a workshop format. The presentations are open to the public and there are two types: 

The sessions are organised by topics and a faculty member will act as chairman.

We need the PhD students to communicate (email to the title of the paper to be presented, jointly with an abstract of no more than 100 words and the name of the proposed discussant non later that the May 3rd 2024

The deadline for submitting the rest of the documentation is the June 03rd 2024



The evaluation committee will elaborate the reports that will be sent to PhD students by the end of July.



In order to allow a proper planning of the attendance to the workshop sessions, we inform that the 2024 sessions will be organised on:

The event is hosting two invited lectures:

Doctoral Lecture: Dilip Mookherjee  & Alumni Lecture: Matías Piaggio 

Doctoral Workshop 2023

Doctoral Workshop 2022

Doctoral Workshop 2021 

Doctoral Workshop 2020 

Doctoral Workshop 2019 

Doctoral Workshop 2018 

Doctoral Workshop 2017 

Doctoral Workshop 2016 

Doctoral workshop 2015

Doctoral workshop 2014

PhD Program in Applied Economics              

Department of Applied Economics                          

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Av. Eix Central - Edifici B  - Campus UAB                        

08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona), SPAIN