Job Market

Job Market Information

Here you have some useful information for economists going to the Job Market.


The job market for economists is a way to establish a connection between universities and other institutions looking for candidates, and those Ph. D. candidates in the search for a job. Those people planning to complete their Ph.D. in spring or summer, should go to the market the previous winter. The main meetings take place in conferences (AEA Meeting), or interviews at the European Job Market in December. Therefore, in order to opt for interviews in the job market, Ph.D. candidates must register for the meeting(s) they wish to attend. Timing is different depending on which job market you are going to. This is what you will find in this page.

Job Opportunities

In this section you will find information about the two main options after a Ph.D. program: post-doc positions and tenure track positions.

The most common websites to have a look at are:

Economics job market rumors

Econ job market



Although the procedure will differ depending on the market and the institution, there are some common features when going to the job market:

Job packet (what to include in your application)

Calendar (what to and when to do it)

Interview (questions to answer and to ask)

Job visit (the visit to de Department)

Job talk (tips on how to focus your presentation in the Job visit)

You have a description of the steps to be done here

PhD Program in Applied Economics

Department of Applied Economics

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Av. Eix Central - Edifici B - Campus UAB

08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona), SPAIN