PhD Program in Applied Economics


The PhD Program in Applied Economics at UAB is part of the Graduate Program in Applied Economic Research (GEAR) organized and managed by the Department of Applied Economics at UAB. This PhD program provides a unique offer in the Spanish university system. The program is oriented to the preparation of researchers with a sound knowledge in economic theory, quantitative techniques and methodological tools, which will allow them to develop an original and high quality applied economic research.

The program, which dates back to the eighties, and covers a wide range of research areas in which it has a faculty of high academic standards. Besides its faculty members, several prestigious professors from international institutions participate in the formative and supervision tasks of the program. In recent time, we are implementing scientific collaboration with other PhD program abroad by means of co-supervised thesis (Université Paris X, Nanterre - France- ; GSSI- Gran Sasso Science Institute L'Aquila, Italy) or cooperation agreements with international graduate program as the ones at Universidad de la República (ULARE, Uruguay) and Università Aldo Moro (Bari, Italy)

The aim of the doctorate is to prepare students to complete an original and high quality research constituting a significant contribution to the discipline. The thesis of our program must show the knowledge of the major debates and relevant scientific contributions, proficiency in the use of most advanced quantitative and qualitative analytical tools, as well as the ability to expose the results of the research with scientific rigor and in accordance with the canons of the discipline. The goal is to publish the research in the leading journals and get the widest diffusion within the scientific community.

The Department of Applied Economics is organizing weekly seminars and research activities addressed to PhD students. The complete and uptaded calendar can be found at this link: Departmental and Applied Lunch seminars

In the framework of the GEAR activities, the PhD program is also organizing the series GEAR lectures: the next events can be found at GEAR Lectures.

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PhD Program in Applied Economics              

Department of Applied Economics                          

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Av. Eix Central - Edifici B  - Campus UAB                        

08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona), SPAIN