
What does it take to become a leader?

2. Watch the video "Everyday Leadership"

Self Leadership

Reflect upon your own journey of self-leadership as you work towards your HSC. Outline some positives and things you need to work on. 

Assess the roles of self-leadership in contributing to positive interpersonal relationships and task achievement

Self Leadership: the process of influencing oneself to establish the self-direction and self-motivation needed to perform

Leadership and Power - Case Study:

The Royal Family: Watch Harry and Meghan interview with Oprah. 

Leadership Styles


Compare styles of leadership and assess the effectiveness of each in a variety of situations

Leadership styles and their effectiveness 

Media Analysis - Activity (p27)

Watch the following clips and comment on the style of leadership present in each one. 

1. What types of leadership styles are portrayed? Are they effective?

2. From watching these clips, which leadership style do you think was most effective? Why?

Practice Question 1:

Outline the different styles of leadership and justify how they may impact upon group wellbeing. (6 Marks)


Extension activity: Leadership styles: Complete the table below... 

Leadership styles

Leadership Adaptability and Flexibility

The ability of a leader to communicate effectively is most important. They must be able to pitch their verbal communication in a way that will be understood, but also utilise non-vebal communication cues to engage group members. A leaders should also have an approach that is flexible and has the ability to change in accordance with current situations. 

1. In what situation may a leader have to change their approach?

2. Why is it important to be adaptable as a leader?

Practical Activity: Marshmallow Challenge

Working in groups of 4-5, you have 15 minutes to build the tallest tower using the ingredients supplied. The marshmallow MUST go at the top. 

  20 strips of spaghetti, 5 sheets of foil, 10 marshmallows


•Who was the leader?

•What where the effective/ineffective qualities of the leader?

•Was there conflict? Why? 

•What leadership style/s were apparent during the activity?

Factors Influencing Leadership


Using the information below, complete the table on page 29 of your workbook.

Practice Question 2:

Justify the importance of leadership adaptability by examining how each factor that influences leadership can influence different styles of leadership

(8 Marks)


Consolidating Activities

Activity: Q & A 

1. Discuss situations in which the autocratic style of leadership, rather than the democratic may lead to stronger group cohesion.

2. Assess the effectiveness of two different leadership styles in the following situations. 

Activity: Coach Carter Leadership Analysis

After watching Coach Carter at home, complete the following questions in class.