Thomas Williams
Team Member Profile: Thomas Williams
Current position: Post-doc at MPIA
General Science Interest: I am interested in using multi-wavelength observations across the electromagnetic spectrum to understand the interactions between the cold interstellar medium (gas and dust) and star formation, and how large-scale dynamical processes in these galaxies affect the properties of the structures we see. I use advanced computational techniques such as SED fitting and some light machine learning to extract maximal amounts of information from the data available.
PHANGS work: I am currently the maintainer of the PHANGS sample table, which collects together the global properties of the PHANGS sample. I have also worked on quality control for the PHANGS-ALMA data release, and in improving the PHANGS-ALMA data processing pipeline. I have published work that presents pattern speeds for the PHANGS-MUSE sample (Williams et al., 2021), and will soon be publishing complete metallicity maps for those same 19 galaxies.