Thomas G. Williams

About Me

I am currently a Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oxford, working with Martin Bureau and the WISDOM team. I was previously at MPIA, working with Eva Schinnerer and the PHANGS collaboration. I'm currently working on large-scale galactic dynamics (primarily in CO), and also looking at the dust content of these galaxies. Many moons ago now, I was a PhD student at Cardiff University, under the supervision of Walter Gear and Matt Smith. For a list of papers that I've worked on, please see my publications!

More details of the outreach I do are in my CV. Not included there is my brief tenure as a "heliocentric expert" at the UK's first flat earth convention -- if you'd like to see any of that, YouTube has you covered...

Beyond that, I'm also an avid musician. I started playing keyboard when I was about 10 years old, before moving to the electronic organ. I'm now Grade 8, and have performed at venues such as the Birmingham Symphony Hall. During my undergraduate studies, I also played percussion for both Nottingham University Brass Band and Foresters Brass. I was also the resident pianist for Musicality, the University's musical theatre society, as well as an occasional Musical Director. Find some covers me and a friend from school have recorded on our SoundCloud!


Email: thomas.williams (at)

Skype: thomas.g.williams94

Twitter: @inapptom

Github: thomaswilliamsastro