Yagel - Cardiac Anatomy & Examination of Specimens

Cardiac Anatomy (Yagel Ch03)

Cardiac Anatomy & Examination of Specimens (Yagel03)

Morphologically Right Atrium


-Venous Component




-External Wall:

-Venous component = sinus venarum cavarum (posterior part) - receive the SVC & IVC & CS

-Appendage = anterior part- extends fwd and surrounds the R wall of Ao

-broad, triangle shape; connected to smooth walled venous part , w a prominent crest w pectinate muscles

-TV ostium points diagonally to the R and is the base of the vestibule

-smooth walled ostium, w leaflets attached to its edge

-Terminal Crest- runs laterally, forming connection bn venous component and the RAA

-emerges fr the ant part of septal surface, then curves in front of the orifice of the SVC

-SVC- in the roof of RA, enters RA bn terminal crest and sup rom of FO

-IVC and CS separated from RAA by fibrous structures that become the Eustachian and Thebesian valves…

-sometimes Eustachian valve can form a network w many fenestrations = Chiari network

-Tendon of Todaro- a continaton of the venous valves

-Triangle bn ToT and AV vlv and CS orifice is where AV conduction is w AV nd; septal surface is floor of the FO and AV septum

-CS opens above teh posterior interventricular groove, into RA

Morphologically Left Atrium

-most posterior chamber


-Venosus part

-Septal Surface



-4 Pvns to the venous part at the top, much larger than the LAA

-septal surface of LA is angled, uneven and consists of the LA surface of the FO. The valve overlaps the surrounding atrial wall (the septum secundum) from above)

-smooth surface of the vestibule, w MV elaflets attahed to it.

-Less pronounced pectinate muscles compared to RA, don't prject into the body of the LA, and dont extend into AV jct

-LAA- tubular, hooked shape

-grooves at the edge, partly surrounds the PA

-no crest as it connects to body of LA, unlike the RA

-finer trabeculations

Morphologically Right Ventricle



-Apical Trabecular


-Inlet- surround and support TV apparatus which extends dorsally to the crux cordis

-TV leaflets- septal, ant-sup, and inf position

-+tendinous cords at TV, which fix the septal leaflet to the IVS

-The attachment of the papilary muscles to the leaflets forms the border bn the Inlet and trabecular part of the RV (trabecular zone)

-Course trabeculations in RV

-Inlet & Outlet parts are separated by a muscular band the crista supraventricularis

-Outlet component = infundibulum of RV = smoother than trabecular part

-PV - 3 leaflets, completely attached to the muscular infundibulum

-Post wall of infundib is separated fr Ao by extracardiac space

Morphologically Left Ventricle



-Apical Trabecular


-Inlet contains/surrounds MV

-MV- anterior aka aortic leaflet and a posterior aka mural leaflet, separated fr each other by the ant-lat and post-med commissures

-the 2 MV leaflets are connected to 2 groups of pap muscles, in the PM and Al position, bellow teh commisures

-no IVS attachments of cords…

-Trabecular part of LV - from pap muscle origins to the apex, w criss crossed trabeculations

-Inlet and Outlet form an acute angle, separated by the anterior mitral valve leaflet

-Outlet- contains the Ao vlv; made of muscular and fibrous tissue

-Dorsally the outlet is incomplete, so there is mitral and Ao connection w fibrous tissue

-Ao vlv- 3 semilunar leaflets- R cor, L cor, and noncoronary leaflets

Interventricular Septum

-Muscular Septum- Inlet, Apical, Outlet parts

-RV inlet side is borderd by cordal attachments of TV

-LV side connected w the dorsal end of smooth walled septum…

-Outlet component of septum lies elow the distal part of the infundibulum, separating the outlet paths of RV and LV…

-Membranous septum- connects inlet, apical, and outlet muscular septum…


-emerges fr behind PA fr the conus arteriosus of the LV, then goes to the right intrapericardially…, yield cor arts..

Pulmonary Trunk-emerges fr RV consus arteriosus, …
