Mavroudis Pulmonary Veins
Mav Chapter 34 - TAPVR - Totally Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return
-1-5% of CHD
-TAPVC = abNl connection of PVns to systemic circulation --> oxygenated bld to R heart
-need ASD/PFO to survive
-TAPV Connection = anatomic arrangement; TAPV Return or TAPV Drainage refers to the HD/physiologic state. One might have Nl PVn connection but abNl drainage (e.g. sinus venosus ASD)
-PAPVC = Partial - some PVns abNl...
-resp system is an outpouch fr primative pharyngeal floor at day 26-27 gestation
-forgut bud is engulfed by splanchnic plexus, which --> vn drainage into the cardinal & umbilicoviteline venous systems
-common pulm vn dvps fr evagination fr the LA at day 27-29GA, then connects to splanchnic plexus by day 28-30.
-bn week 5-8, common pulm vn is absorved by LA wall--> 4 PVn orifices into lA
-at same time, the PVn connections to cardinal and umbilicovitelline vns degenerate--> lung Q just to LA
-get TAPVC fr xx at any pt. - TAPVC, PAPVC, cor triatriatum...
-Type I = Supracardiac - SVC, LSVC, azygous vn (40-50% pts)
-Type II = Cardiac - RA, coronary sinus (20-30% pts)
-Type III = Infracardiac - portal vn or a portal branch (10-30%)
-Type IV = mixed (5-10%)
-may have mild tachpnea/cyanosis vs rapid HD collapse, d/o degree of obstruction at PVns & ASD
-all will have at least some systemic desaturations, d/o Qp:Qs
-Qp:Qs d/o ASD size and downstream PVR:SVR. Most have unrestrictive ASD--> Qp:Qs decides
-if no PVn obstruction, then --> "R heart dilation and phtn eventually"
-can have CHF or irreversible pulm vasc obstructive dz
--> neonate w tachypnea, cyanosis, R sided heart failure (pulm overcirc Sx)
-if +PVn obstruction--> high Pulm P early w large R to L shunt
-decr Qp and pulm edema bc of Pulm outflow obstruction --> rapidly progressive hypoxemia--> HD collapse if no Tx
-CXR shows parenchymal opacification bc pulm edema
-ABG shows marked hypoxemia & acidosis
-most common w infracardiac TAPVC bc signif obstruction
-if no PVn obst & mild early HF--> Sx of a large ASD
-incr Qp--> parasternal lift, wide S2 split, pulm flow murmur, diastolic rumble fr Q thru TV, mild tachpnea, some cyanosis
-if + PVn obst--> high PAPs and severe hypoxemia as a newborn, persistent fetal circulation, resp distress syndrome
-shock and hypoxia
-CXR- PA's are engorged --> Snowman/figure of eight cardiac shadow w supracardiac TAPVC
-fr vertical vn into L innom, w thymus involution, rounded shadow seen at superior mediastinum, just above the cardiac silhouette--> snowman look, but might not appear till later in infancy as the PVns enlarge & thymus shrinks
-echo- RV dilation, absent PVN connections to LA, anom vns..., R to L shunting at ASD
Pre-op Mgt
-If no obst, may need diuresis
-If obstruction, then intubate, 100% FiO2 to decr PVR, "PGE for PDA--> protective conduit for R side to shunt to L side"
-Balloon atrial septostomy as needed
-ECMO as needed
-80% mortality by 1yo --> Dx = indication to Tx
-Surgical goals:
-Connect all PVns to LA, eliminate anomalous connections, correct cardiac anomalies (ASD)
-Some use deep hypothermic circ arrest, others try to avoid this
-CPB is initiated w Ao and RA cannulation
-Ligate the PDA
-Cool pt
-Start DH circ arrest or low flow bypass
Supracardiac TAPVC
-4 PVn to a conf or common PVn directly posterior to LA --> drain to a vertical vn--> to innom vn
-Ligate vertical vn, but ensure you don't damage phrenic n, often right next to it
-Mobilize the heart & retract superiorly & to the right (or mobilize RA and retract it to the L)
-Incise the vn conf & LA
-Close the ASD
-make a generous anastomosis bn LA and conf, as big as possible
-avoid making purse string w sutures, to avoid residual obst
-Can repair ASD thru the LA or thru a separate RA incision
-Alternate approach for pts w PVn conf drainage directly to SVC
-RA incision, then baffle placed to direct PVn drainage across the ASD and into the LA
-but avoid obst to PVns or SVC
-may need a Warden if the PVn connection is high- transect the SVC above the conf, baffle the SVC Q to LA, then connect the prox SVC to the RA stump
Cardiac TAPVC
-PVns to cor sinus or RA
-RA incision
-may need short pds of DHCA to visualize in small infants
-unroof cor sinus if it is involved
-connect coronary sinus ostium to the ASD
--> large opening bn cor sinus and LA
-Close the ASD w a patch that includes the cor sinus ostium -->directs pulm and cardiac vn Q to LA
-if PVns go direct to RA, then baffle them across teh ASD to LA, or displace teh ASD to include the PVns on the L side of the septum- mobilize the posterior atrial septum and reattach it bn the PVn ostia and the SVC/IVC...
Infracardiac TAPVC
-usually, PVns drain to a confluence behind LA, then to desc vertical vn, then to diaphragmatic hiatus, then to portal system
-Must ligate verticle vn at level of diaphragm
-PVn conf then anast to LA as above
-ASD is closed
-Alt approach: ligate the inferior vertical vn at level of diaph, and incision in the cephalic direction twd the PVns--> allow larger anastomosis after you mobilize the PVns. Goal is as wide an anastomosis as possible
-Most common is Conf of 3 PVns w separate drainage of a 4th PVn
-If there is a single PVn, can try to reanastomose it, but it is hard bc likely to get stenotic...
-If the single PVn is unobst, it can be left alone for reimplantation later once pt is grown, or no reimplantation at all
-pts in one study w highest Qp:Qs after leaving it alone were w single PVn fr the RU or RM lung
-If 2 pair of PVns to diff locations, then must individualize Tx....
-in one case, PVns to SVC, RA, Cor Sius mgt w unroof of cor sinus to LA, large baffle for Warden
-Operative mortality 10-30% in 1970-80s, 5-9% more recently
-Predictors of Poor outcome (table 34-1)
-severe preop or residual postop PVn obst
-assoc cardiac anomalies present
-Morbidity -varied
-Yee ref 11- 12 of 68 hospital survivors needed a reoperation mainly for residual PVn gradient & intracardiac shunts
-SVT and nodal arrhythmia noted
-postop phtn- iNO responsive
-Postop PVn stenosis incidence 6-11%
-more common w infra and mixed type
-?improved w absorbable sutures- ref 36
Mavroudis Chapter 35 - Cor Triatriatum & Pulmonary Vein Atresia and Stenosis
Cor Triatriatum Sinister, PVn Stenosis, and Common PVn Atresia can mimic TAPVC
-all --> Obst Q to LA
-all are rare
PVn Embryology
-as fetus, initially lungs drain to splanchnic plexus into the systemic circ thru an umbilical-vitelline vn and cardinal venous system.
-27-33rd day of gestation--> dorsal eventration of the common atria = common pulm vn- evaginates/enlarges to join the pulm segment of splanchnic plexus, then pulm-syst connection becomes atretic
-as fetal heart grows, the common pulm vn is absorbed, and all pulm-atrial connections drain to LA via the PVns...
-Comm PVn fails to connect to pulm segment of splanch plexus, or is effced early in dvpmt --> pulm-systemic circ persists--> TAPVC
-Comm PVn obliterated after the pulm-syst circ disappeared--> Comm PVn atresia
-If Comm PVn connects the pulm circulation, then might get:
-If PVn connection to LA is abNl, can get PVn stenosis at one or more PVn
can get a membrane in LA--> obstruct Q fr PVns to LA (cor triatr sin)
Cor Triatriatum Sinister
-rare- 0.1% of CHD
-only 33-50% found in isolation
-obstruction fr fibromuscular membrane subdividing the LA to a prox chamber w Q fr PVns, and distal chamber w MV & LAA
-no comm'n bn prox and distal chambers
-comm'n thru a small perforation in the obstructing membrane
-incomplete membranous subdivision in LA
-Type A (64%) = classic - defect in the membrane bn prox and distal chambers
-may have an ASD w prox chamber (subtype A1), or distal chamber (subtype A2)
-Type B (18%) = w enlarged coronary sinus receiving PVns (a TAPVC)
-Type C (9%) = no connection bn PVns and prox chamber
-Sx like severe MS w CHF, obst d/o amt of ASDs...
-if the connection bn prox and distal chambers is <3mm, most present at <1yo (ref 10)
-larger commn may be ASx for life
-but NHx- 75% fatal w/o Tx if small commn (<3mm)
-if larger comm'n, may not present till teens. Sx similar to MS
-Main Tx is surgical, though cath has been reported (ref 18)
-Need CPB and hypothermia, cardioplegia, via median sternotomy usually, and RA atriatomy
-may do an LA atriotomy if no TAPVC
-Excise the membrane
-Good, 17-10% periop mortality, but most in kids w assoc xx
-long term great Px p 32yrs postop (ref 6)
-relatively simple to repair... early Dx reduces M&M
Common PVn Atresia
-~Rarest CHD
-Pts are cyanotic and in sev HF at birth
-Cath- no communicating Vn found --> thus NOT TAPVC
-Postnatal survival only bc of collateral vns to atria/systemic circ
-must Dx immediately and Tx w surgery immediately for survival
-Tx- anastomosis bn post LA and the confluence
-<25 cases reported, <10pts underwent repair, and only 2 survived
PVn Stenosis
-~Rarest CHD (0.4-0.6% of CHD)
-Usually fatal
-bn AbNl union bn the LA and common PVn
-tubular hypoplasia extending fr the venoatrial jct proximally
-weblike intimal stenosis at the venoatrial jct
-multiple short, hypoplastic PVn
-bc of fibrous intimal thickening/irregularity of media
-1/2 of pts have unilateral stenosis, 30% have all 4 vns, 10% just 1 vn stenotic (ref 23)
-Survival better if unilateral dz (ref 24)
-presentation d/o amt of obstruction.. if all 4 then CHF rapid w FTT/pulm edema etc
-Cath is the Dx modality of choice
-see phtn w or w/o elevation of pulm cap wedge pressure or LVOTO
-see gradient on pullback fr PVn and LA
-angio shows stenosis/hypoplasia
-c/s in all pts at Dx bc it is rapidly fatal
-enlarge stenotic PVns when possible
-Sutureless pericardial patch technique or lung transplant are options
-PerQ balloon dilation has much restenosis (but ??better than surg...)
-Najm sutureless PVn augmentation w a pericardial patch:
-incise PVn until normal intima encountered
-enlarge the communication bn PVns and LA w pericardial patch
--> minimize postop neointimal response that causes restenosis (ref 27)
-18% get postop PVn stenosis in TAPVC pts, w high mortality (37-100%) (ref 28)
Cor Triatriatum Dexter
-=subdivided RA bc of persistence of the R valve of sinus venosus
-R horn of the sinus venosus is incorporated into the RA, giving rise to IVC and SVC ostia
-as the heart grows, this should move more caudally--> leaves crista terminalis and the vlvs of the IVC (eustachian) and cor sinsu (Thebesian vlv) as its remnants
-minor RA septation is common in 86% of specimens, but if it is a large membranous obstrucction, then it can obstruct the TV, RVOT, or IVC
-Most are ASx, and incidental finding at echo/OR
-Some have SVT
-Some have R heart failure Sx- incr CVP, HSM
-if +ASD, may get cyanosis, looks like Ebstein's by presentation
-Surgery only indicated if +Sx
-perQ cath disruption has been tried, uncomplicated --> Tx of choice
-Operation only if other xx needing surgery