Research Design Lecture Notes
Research Data Analysis Lecture Morris 122112
Analyzing raw data:
Data collection in excel
-pt number in 1st column and then characteristics along horizontal...
-convert everything to numbers
Variable types
-nominal eg race
-continuous (non-ordinal- the difference bn each step is the same...)
Parametric -normally distrib. Ok to use t test, mean, etc
Nonparametric- everything else (race, sex, and maybe age if not normally distributed...., length of stay is rarely parametric...)
Data Types
Paired- eg per and post Glenn...
Clustered, Longitudinal-
-Median- best if things are skewed or has outliers that might change the mean...
Standard deviation- only good if data is normally distrib
-range- good if small n
-inter quartile range- show the 25th & 75th %- gives a similar idea to standard deviation but for non normally distrib data
Analytic Stats
What is the predictor and what is the outcome?
Bi x bi -- x2 or fisher exact. Fisher is better but x2 gives better t test, if you have under 5 items in each box u must do fisher exact
Non parametric tests
Chi sq
Chi sq trend -for ordinal variables
Mann Whitney aka wilcoxan rank -one nonpar var bn 2 groups, instead of t test
Kruskal wallis. If compare nonpara over multiple groups, more than 2
Spearman rank -correlation coefficient
McNamara test - paired binomial.
Parametric tests
Independent t test- the two var are independent
Paired t test- eg comparing subject to self
A nova - like krskll wallis...
Pearson coefficient
--see table fr the ppt slide for summery