Gift and Loyalty Program

Are you a small business owner looking for the best Gift and Loyalty Program? Look no further than Electronic Merchant Systems. For over 30 years, EMS has helped small businesses grow and improve customer retention and loyalty.

EMS is the top payment processor for small businesses. Not sure why Gift Card Programs are the best for local businesses? Discover more today.

Programs for Gift and Loyalty Cards

Did you know that the average person who uses a gift card spends $59 more than the card is worth? Imagine if that was your business card and your logo! Impress that customer (and a few more gift card-wielding shoppers) and you could significantly increase your profits and customer base. With our unique Gift & Loyalty Card Program, EMS can assist you in making these opportunities for growth a reality.

So, what are the advantages of implementing a Gift and Loyalty Card Program?

Increasing brand recognition.

Obtaining more purchases in a higher volume.

Profit and cash flow are being increased.

Increasing the frequency with which customers visit your establishment.

Obtain New Clients

Gift cards are ideal for thank you gifts, prizes, stocking stuffers, and other occasions. You gain the opportunity to welcome a new customer to your business with each gift card sold. Their interaction with you begins when they receive that small piece of plastic, so it must be visually appealing and represent your company.

Count on EMS's creative team to deliver the branded, plastic card masterpiece you require to attract new customers. Our in-house team uses software and various designs to create a program that is completely tailored to your company.

Encourage your customers to be loyal to your brand.

Customers that are rewarded for their loyalty to your business have been shown to improve foot traffic and profits significantly.

After all, who doesn't like perks? We support an almost limitless amount of loyalty program setups to help you engage, retain, and develop your current client base in the most efficient way possible.

Contact our staff today to discuss the best program package for you.