以森的人民 林家民 A person who considers the forest home 


Life has its ups and downs, but the forest offers unparalleled relaxation and tranquility.

代表作 Masterpiece


The First Forest Therapy Trail in Taiwan Alishan 阿里山水山療癒步道


Stone Wall Bamboo Forest Regeneration Project 草嶺石壁森林療癒祭


Evaluation of Forest Therapy Site in Cilan & Mingchi Forest Recreation Area ‎


Extreme Forest II Reality Show with Chen Bo Lin 陳柏霖同台實境秀



簡介 Introduction


Paul is a director of the Taiwan Forest Therapy Society, a distinguished lecturer and expert in forest therapy, and a certified forest therapist by the Taiwan Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency. He holds a master's degree in forest therapy research from National Taiwan University and specializes in forest therapy, bamboo forest therapy, aromatherapy, woodcraft education, and environmental education. Paul inherited the teachings of Professors Yuan Hsiao-Wei, Yu Chia-Pin, and Lin Yi-Zhen from the Taiwan Forest Therapy Society and collaborated with them to establish the certification system for forest therapists in Taiwan. Currently, Paul is devoted to promoting the industrialization of forest therapy and bamboo forest therapy. He is a significant driving force behind forest therapy in Taiwan and an essential participant in international forest therapy exchanges.





Forest artisan, a true forest-loving guy, with over 6 years of experience in counseling, 14 years of experience in National Forest Volunteer, and over 6 years of experience in Chinese-English interpretation.

現職 Current Position

台灣森林保健學會理事 Director of Taiwan Forest Therapy Society

韓國山林廳農業、林業和海洋基礎設施智慧醫療科技發展推廣計畫研究員 Researcher of Agriculture, Forestry and Marine Infrastructure Smart healthcare Technology development and diffusion, Korea Forest Service

林業保育認證森林療癒師 Certified forest therapist by Taiwan Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency

林業保育署森林療癒師認證講師 Forest therapy certification lecturer

森林邦知識長 CKO of Forest Union

福建省綠色科技文化促進會森林療癒特聘專家 Expert on forest therapy of Fujian Green Technology and Culture Promotion Association

林業保育署臺中分署國家森林志工 National Forest Volunteer of Taiwan Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency

環保署環境教育人員 Certified environmental education personnel by Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration

經歷 Experience

美國密涅瓦大學森林療癒課程講師 Lecturer in Forest Therapy at Minerva University

國立臺灣大學、國立屏東科技大學森林療癒課程講師 Lecturer in Forest Therapy at National Taiwan University & National Pingtung University of Science and Technology

林業保育署國家森林遊樂區森林療癒健康促進推廣計畫專案助理 Assistant of Forest Therapy and Health Promotion Project at National Forest Recreation Areas, Taiwan Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency

波蘭林務局實習生 Intern at Poland State Forests (Lasy Państwowe)

林業保育署森林育樂組替代役 Alternative military service at  Taiwan Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency

中興大學諮商中心、臺灣大學心輔中心志工 Volunteer at Counseling Center, National Chung Hsing University & National Taiwan University

學歷 Education

韓國忠南國立大學森林環境暨資源學系博士生 PhD student, Department of Environment & Forest Recourses, Chungnam National University 충남대학교

國立臺灣大學森林環境暨資源學系碩士 Master, School of Forestry and Resource Conservation, National Taiwan University

國立中興大學森林學系學士 Bachelor, Department of Forestry, National Chung Hsing University

臺中市立臺中第一高級中等學校 Taichung Municipal Taichung First Senior High School

我想體驗家民老師的森林療癒,可去哪裡報名? Where can I sign up forest therapy?





