Subtitute Teacher's Survival Guide

Updated: 09/2021


Subbing can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be.  If students see that you are organized, prepared and “have it together”, you are likely going to have a great and productive day with them.  Here are some tips to make you look like you “have it together”.

Things to Pack

It’s always a good idea to bring a few of these things with you so you’re not wasting time rummaging through the classroom for it.

Before You Arrive

At the School

Before Class

During Class

After Class

Other Tips and Suggestions

Handling LGBTQ+ Students

There will be times when teachers have noted certain students are LGBTQ+ and may go by a different name and pronoun indicated on the attendance sheet.  Or when a student discreetly comes up to you and indicates as such.  It is of the utmost importance that you respect those instructions and use the desired name and pronouns without question or additive comments.  The last thing you want to do is to out them in front of their peers as it can have dangerous consequences.

In the event you have called a student’s legal name (not preferred name) by accident during roll-call, just move on and go back to check with the student privately.  Do not publicly correct yourself in front of other students.

Cell Phone and Other Electronics Use for Students

It is the 21st century and every kid has a cell phone, even elementary kids.  Kids and phones are conjoined at the hips, as well.  It makes them antsy if you make them put it out of sight let alone strings of protests amongst excuses to have it out, and all you want is to just get through the day.  Here are some fair guidelines you may wish to follow, and be clear, explicit and assertive when explaining it to your class – you will NEED to explain it to each different group each time you see them, they will try anything if you don’t.

-No texting

-No gaming

-No Facebooking

-No camera/video

-No video players (or screen must be OFF)

-To use as music player

   -During individual work time only

   -Must be on the desk at all times

-To use calculator (or other educational applications)

   -Must be on the desk at all times

Consequences:  CONFISCATE!

-Also when using device under the desk

-Also when focus is on device rather than work

If you confiscate a phone/device, you may choose to keep it for the day or until the class is over.  You will generally receive more cooperation if you tell them they can have it at the end of class, and besides, by the end of class it’s no longer your problem.  If you still are faced with resistance, you can simply offer to bring in an admin to deal with them.  Be sure you store it away in a safe place – you don’t want to lose it and become your responsibility (kids can be sneaky and go into the drawer and get it back while you’re not looking!).  Be sure to note any confiscation so the teacher can follow up properly.

Seating Chart Template

Sign Out Sheet Template