Provincial Election: May 5, 2015

Post date: 15-Apr-2015 18:28:03

This is the headlines on the ATA website. These are the issues teachers face in the proposed budget cuts. Many say that if we vote anything but the PC, things will be different.

Since the budget proposal, we have spent many council meetings imagining what a school, what a classroom will be like with even less funding. A few things comes to mind:

  • larger class sizes
  • less teacher aid help
  • more diverse student abilities
  • less time for individual attention
  • less technological resources

These are pretty typical ideas when teachers are faced with budget cuts, a few teachers are even able to go further and say that:

  • internal coverage - losing prep time
  • assignment turnaround for effective feedback
  • grading assignments consistently and fairly over the large volume
  • more paper work/administrative work than teaching

How does this affect students, your children? Will there be any time given to them for learning? Will there be any resources to help them learn?

Please take the time to research each provincial party's platform on education and make your choice for your children's welfare on May 5th.