DECOrating Parks

Decoration, effects and scenario tutorials

Parkitect rewards players for decorating paths, rides and rollercoasters. Decorated parks increase park rating and gives rides excitement bonusses when they are decorated well. The decoration rating of an area or ride is determined by the quantity and diversity of the decoration. Players can check the decoration rating in the statistics menu of a ride or through the visuals menu located as the magnifying glass on the left side on the screen. 

On this webpage players can find the best tutorials to help decorate their parks and rides without the usage of mods. 

Video Tutorials

Building and creating scenarios for others to play

Created by: AstroTron

If you want to create your own scenarios, watch the following tutorial by AstroTron for some great tips and tricks. Don't forget to share your scenarios to the Steam Workshop or

Creating mountains

Created by: AstroTron

Creating good looking rocks can be quite challenging. AstroTron explains the do's and don't's of using the vanilla rock pieces in Parkitect.

Roof design

Created by: AstroTron

Learn how to create roofs for buildings without them looking boring. 

Windows and doors

Created by: AstroTron

In this tutorial AstroTron explains how to make your doors and windows better by using shapes and objects from the game.


Created by: AstroTron

Learn how to create fireworkshows and effects in Parkitect.

Planters in vanilla Parkitect

Created by: AstroTron

In this video AstroTron helps the player create planters for paths.

Custom paths in vanilla Parkitect

Created by: AstroTron

Without mods building curved paths can be quite challenging. In this tutorial the player learns how to make look paths more natural.

AC Units in vanilla Parkitect

Created by: AstroTron

In this video the player learns how to create custom AC units for buildings using basic shapes.

Waterfalls in vanilla Parkitect

Created by: AstroTron

Create good looking waterfalls without mods in Parkitect.

Transitions between themed areas

Created by: AstroTron

This video explains how to build themed areas and how to build transitions between them.

Building rivers and lakes

Created by: AstroTron

Learn how to create lakes and rivers in Parkitect.

Building custom rollercoaster stations

Created by: AstroTron

Learn how to build themed rollercoaster stations including some examples.

Using shapes to create objects in vanilla Parkitect

Created by: AstroTron

AstroTron explains how to build objects and models out of basic shapes in Parkitect. For even better results the mods Rotation Anarchy and Construction Anarchy are recommended and can be found on the best mods page.