BOB results

Battle of the Builders winners & archive

Here you can find all the previous Battle of the Builders winners and some honorable mentions of builds that have scored high during one of the rounds. Not all builds are available on the Steam Workshop as players decide to share it or not. 

Competition winners

Here is a list of all Battle of the Builders winners and their winning creations. Below that is a list of honorable mentions: builds that were submitted during one of the other rounds or didn't win.

Do you have a suggestion for honorable mentions? Contact the Parkitect Depot team.


Most maps can be viewed and download by searching for the respective round and using the download button.

Battle Of the Builders Winners

Battle of the Builders #1

Winner: Wauwter

Every year the beach of the light house is transformed into a festive festival! The festival was build around the the classic steeplechase roller coaster that the festival builds up each year, the golden horse! With a big themed stage the festival draws crowds from the entire country. Besides music and impressive shows the festival offers its guest some nice entertainment. With plenty of food options with the food trucks or with the unique Surfer ride where guest can experience the waves of the ocean!

Come and enjoy the Golden Horse festival where headliner DJ RobotFlamingo puts up an amazing victory final show! 

Battle of the Builders #2

Winner: Kona

"Architecture has recorded the great ideas of the human race. Not only every religious symbol, but every human thought has its page in that vast book." 

– Victor Hugo 

Battle of the Builders #3

Winner: RoboFlamingo

A city built with arcane magic has attracted people from around the world. Unfortunately, the citizens have become addicted to the arcane that flows through the city, and it's begun to tear the city apart at the seams. 

Battle of the Builders #4

Winner: MrUnit64

Wrapped in a blanket called a voice

The earth breathing

Everything listening

Noise that can't be explained

A presence trying to speak

I wish it would stop

Because it's making me think.

- Atlas 

Honorable mentions

Battle of the Builders #1 - round 2

Name: Wauwter

Let the adventure begin in Toy Story Land. Immersive yourself in the backyard of Andy and explore all of his toys. Challenge your inner kid and bring those toys alive! Or take a spin with the one and only Buzz Lightyear to battle versus the evil emperor Zorg! 

Battle of the Builders #2 - round 1

Name: PierreJano

The Magician reveals to his best friend, the Snake, that he overextended himself by making three geometric shapes ("the Solid Objects") disappear in order to be named "The Greatest Magician in the World" by a monkey king. However, he has not made the Solid Objects disappear permanently, and when they return the Magician will die. The Magician and the Snake spend their last years together enjoying themselves. Ultimately, the Solid Objects return and the Magician passes, and is mourned by his friend, the Snake. 

The Magician and the Snake is an Eisner award winning collaboration between Hellboy creator, Mike Mignola, and his, at the time, seven-year-old daughter, Katie Mignola. 

Battle of the Builders #2 - round 3

Name: MrUnit64

"A day will come when all nations on our continent will form a European brotherhood... A day will come when we shall see... the United States of America and the United States of Europe face to face, reaching out for each other across the sea..." 

Battle of the Builders #4 - round 1

Name: Kona

Snoopy's arch-nemesis, The Red Baron, is back! Help your favourite cartoon canine take to the skies in the ultimate dogfight against villainy! 

Enjoy this fun take on "Villains", a typically dark and evil theme is shown in a different light with a cartoony styling. Inspired by a ride I remember from way back in the day at Cedar Point's Camp Snoopy, this reimagining shows what it could have been had Cedar Fair decided to drop ungodly amounts of money to theme a flat ride. 

Battle of the Builders #4 - round 2

Name: MrUnit64

In the middle of the 20th century, Ever park used to be a thriving amusement park built in the middle of Dadi Estate. With their bunny as mascot, Ever Park's most famous attraction was their large mansion with an old alpine coaster built right through the middle. The landlord and owner of the park was a real friend of many children from the area and was known for his generosity. The park never had any state of the art attractions, but was loved by kids and adults alike.

As the landlord got older and inevitably died at the end of the century, the park fell into a state of disrepair. All that's left is some old attractions and the small, but legendary alpine coaster. Despite the park being closed to public at day, legend says the old landlord still roams around at night, luring kids to the park...