Parkitect Youtubers

Campaign playthroughs and other Youtube content

The following content creators have each created a series of videos that focus on each of the vanilla campaign maps. Watching these might give you some great tips or inspiration to tackle the in-game campaign.

Each builder has one video featured on this site, but please be sure to click the YouTube Channel link to watch their other Parkitect videos and like / subscribe their content!

Content Creators on Youtube


Parkitect campaign playthrough, tutorials and scenarios

Main Game Campaign ✅ 

Taste of Adventure Campaign  


Parkitect projects and campaign playthrough

Main Game Campaign ✅ 

Taste of Adventure Campaign

Studio Cavy

Parkitect Parks, diorama's, campaign playthorugh

Main Game Campaign  

Taste of Adventure Campaign  

Brian Andrelczyk

Parkitect Campaign playthrough

Main Game Campaign ✅ 

Taste of Adventure Campaign


Parkitect diorama's, statistic overviews and tutorials

Main Game Campaign

Taste of Adventure Campaign


Parkitect campaign playthrough and tutorials

Main Game Campaign ✅ 

Taste of Adventure Campaign ✅ 


Parkitect diorama's and tutorials

Main Game Campaign

Taste of Adventure Campaign