Building Flat rides

Statistics and overviews

There's a lot of flat rides in the game and it's not always easy to know which one is going to make you the most profit. These videos created by LivelyEngineering breakdown each ride's stats and gives handy advice on how to tweak the ride settings to maximise your profits.

Ride Statistics

Calm rides overview

Created by: LivelyEngineer

Learn how to create your first mod in Blender and Unity! From modeling to uploading your mod to Steam Workshop, it's all covered in this video.

Ride Overviews

Bumper Cars ride overview

Created by: LivelyEngineer

Learn how to create your first mod in Blender and Unity! From modeling to uploading your mod to Steam Workshop, it's all covered in this video.

Carousel ride overview

Created by: LivelyEngineer

Learn how to create your first mod in Blender and Unity! From modeling to uploading your mod to Steam Workshop, it's all covered in this video.

Clockwork ride overview

Created by: LivelyEngineer

Learn how to create your first mod in Blender and Unity! From modeling to uploading your mod to Steam Workshop, it's all covered in this video.

Experience ride overview

Created by: LivelyEngineer

Learn how to create your first mod in Blender and Unity! From modeling to uploading your mod to Steam Workshop, it's all covered in this video.