The Effects of Modular Learning on Student’s Participation on Online Class at

Paranaque National Highschool - Main


Education is a continuous process of creating new ideas that can be used to share knowledge, emerging strategies that help the teachers and learners to achieve the criteria implemented on the existing curriculum.

The spread of Covid-19 has brought a rapid change in the country not only in its economic stability but also in the educational system. Parañaque National Highschool has been promptly locked for personal engagement, transactions and student curricular activities. Due to the health threat of the pandemic, the DepEd decided to bring education to the comfort of their homes as they continuously developed different learning modalities to ensure that education is accessible to all and to ensure the continuity of classes. The sudden transition from the traditional to new normal in the teaching and learning process, three learning modalities were offered by DepEd for the school year 2020 until 2022, blended, distance and homeschooling learning modalities.

Distance learning is a process that is increasingly present in the world. These distance learning modalities are selected based on the circumstances of students and teachers to continue schooling. Over the last few years, distance education has turned out to be a major trend in education. In a recent year, more than 100 professional conferences dealt with some aspect of distance education, and almost all professional organization’s publications and conferences have shown a huge increase in the number of presentations and articles related to distance education. Educators are making grand claims about how distance education is likely to change education and training. In the new normal we are using modular modality. Modular learning can be in printed or digital format, it can be learned at their own pace, in their own way and using self-learning modules or (SLM). It can be printed/digitized format that is appropriate to learners, and other learning resources like materials, textbook, activity sheets, study guides and other learning materials. Learners can access electronic copies of learning materials on a computer, tablet PC, or smartphones. CDs, DVDs, USB storage and computer-based applications can be used to deliver e-learning materials, including offline E-books. The teacher takes responsibility for monitoring the progress of learners. While the learners may ask help from them via-email, telephone, text messaging/instant messaging, etc. The development of modern technology and the Internet has enabled the explosive growth of distance learning. This is the field of education focused on educating students who are not physically present in the traditional classrooms or student campus. Described as a process where the source of information is separated from the students in space and time. Schools also have orientation for students to understand the changes that are taking place in the new education system. They are told that, for the entire period of modular distance learning, their home will act as their school where their teachers are their parents or older siblings who have the capacity and ability to clarify the substance of the lessons. Modules, learning activity sheets and other additional materials are given. These learning packages are distributed and retrieved every month. As a result, they are given a week to perform all the learning tasks listed in their learning guides. While the pandemic has made it quite difficult to maintain our regular schedules and meet the demands of our work, the full implementation of modular/online learning can help children in the long run. Full familiarity with technology for students who can access it, as well as modular non-digital systems can ensure that they can adjust and continue learning, as well as prepare students for the possibility of other learning courses from other countries.

Despite a lot of difficulties, parents and students still find modular distance learning more flexible, reasonable, and convenient in our current situation. In modular distance learning, students can set their own schedule in finishing the tasks given to them guided by their module. The self-learning modules are simplified and much easier to understand compared to textbooks. It is more reasonable as well because the parents save a lot in education this time since they no longer need to pay for their child’s transportation and daily allowances. And most importantly students are learning and ensuring safety at home even during this time of the pandemic.


The present study was conducted to determine the effects of modular learning on student’s participation in online classes at Paranaque National High School - Main. This study may benefit the resource teachers at PNHS to address the problems encountered in online classes. The researchers used questionnaires study as a technique to carry out a conclusive feedback and output for the study’s objectives. The questionnaire items are designed for gathering data following the Likert scale, with the values (1) Strongly Agree, (2) Slightly Disagree, (3) neutral, (4) Slightly Disagree, and (5) Strongly Disagree. To interpret the data effectively, the researcher will employ the following statistical treatment. The Percentage and the average Weighted Mean are the tools used to interpret data from the respondents.

The questionnaire was posted via online platforms such as the school's quipper and facebook messenger maximizing google forms. The survey link was sent to 30 students coming from Grades 10, 11, and 12 with the resource teacher and school permission.

The questionnaire was used to specifically describe the effects of the implementation of modular modality on the situational factors that affect the student’s ability to attend online discussions. The questionnaire includes the demographic profile of the respondents such as age, gender, year and section, and school year they have been in online learning.

5 point likert scale (1-Strongly Disagree 2- Slightly Disagree 3-Neutral 4- Slightly Agree 5- Strongly Agree)

  1. I prefer doing modular activities rather than attending online classes.

  2. I understand easily when the instructions are written and listed on modules than explained by my teacher online.

  3. I am more interested in offline work (modules) more than online work/online discussions.

  4. I am able to manage my study time effectively online and easily complete assignments on time.

  5. I perform better on modular activities than online discussions/online requirements.

  6. My ability to use technology hinders me from participating in online discussions.

  7. We are unable to provide internet connection to participate in online discussions.

  8. I feel that there are too many deadlines in online learning that are difficult to meet.

  9. There is more workload on modules than online activities prepared by the teachers.

  10. I observe my progress/growth when doing modular activities rather than attending online classes/online activities.

As shown in Table 1, the students consist of 30 responses. In the Profile of the respondents, responses consist of 4 responses consists 16 years old students (13.3%), 14 responses consists 17 years old (46.6%), 10 responses consists 18 years old (33.3%), and 2 responses consists of 19 years old (6.7%).

As shown in Table 2, the students consist of 30 responses. In the Profile of the respondents, responses consist of 10 Female Teachers (33.3%), and the half is 20 Male (66.7%). Majority of the respondents are Male.

As shown in Table 3, the students consist of 30 responses. In the Profile of the respondents, responses consisted of 26 Grade 11 (86.7%), and 4 Grade 12 (13.3%). Majority of the respondents are Grade 11.

As shown in the table, the students from Paranaque National Highschool - Main revealed that among the 10 indicators there are 3 major indicators of modular learning that affect the student’s participation in online discussions. Their mean ranges from 3 to 3.9. These were item 8 (I feel that there are too many deadlines in online learning that are difficult to meet.) ( x̄ = 3.9 ), item 3 (I am more interested in offline work (modules) more than online work/online discussions.) ( x̄=3.63), item 4 (I am able to manage my study time effectively online and easily complete assignments on time.) ( x̄=3.54).

The data reveals that the effects of modular learning on students shows that they prefer modular modality than online classes and assessments. As illustrated in the table, it has found that the students perceive online class having deadlines than modular modality.


The current study supports the use of online learning considering its various advantages. It is difficult for us to adapt the new normal system in education. Online Class is relevant; thus, it’s been two years since the implementation of distant learning, also lots of adjustment were made during those time. Modular learning brings its new dimension in education, the desire of the students for online learning is in line with the education that blended to their knowledge together to the technology device that they are using for online learning, though online learning has several challenges such as lack of feedback from students and lack of the proper technology to effectively conduct online learning. Students from Parañaque National Highschool (Main) were turn on their computer or cellphones where ever they are and start attending online courses.


The following recommendations are generally applicable to all students at Parañaque National Highschool (Main) to maintain and balance the usage of technology while at home and during their modular learning:

· Creating accessible content reducing barriers of comprehension, ensuring the content is accessible to everyone, including to the students who can’t attend the online class due to their personal matter.

· Students should require to attend their online class to aware them that attendance will be also recorded, and submitting their modular activities on time.

· Communicate frequently to the teacher regarding for the late submission of their task and other activities before the due date.

Allow the students to cooperate and collaborate with the teacher to show their progress during online meetings.
