
Let me know for sure, but this might be the first diaper story about Sprigatito.

I woke up in a big factory, not my home where I when to sleep. "Hello!? Is anyone here!?" I said scared.

The Sprigatito looked around for anyone who might be in the factory. She then stop and looked at one of the conveyor belts, she looked at one of the crates, on the side it said "Baby Changing Supplies"

She look inside the crate and saw diapers/pull-ups, baby cream/powder, baby cream brush, wipes, changing tables, changing pads, diaper pails/liners, diaper bags, pacifiers, and baby lotion. She blushed a little.

She then looked at the next crate, it said "Baby Room Supplies"

She look inside the crate and saw cribs/mattresses, sheets, baby blankets, humidifiers, white noise machines, baby monitors, night lights, baby gates, outlet caps, rattles, teething toys, mobile, and books. She blushed a little more.

She then goes to the next crate which said "Baby Feeding & Bathing Supplies"

She look inside the crate and saw baby bottles/warmers, bibs, formula, baby food, high chairs, baby tubs, baby body wash, baby shampoo, baby lotion, bath toys, baby towels, and washcloths. She blushed even more now.

She then goes to the next crate which said "Baby Clothes"

She look inside the crate and saw onesies, mittens, bonnets, and socks.

She continued to look around trying to find someone or a way out. I thought to myself that the place looked abandoned but there was so much stuff there. Why would they leave it here?

Just then I had a bad feeling in my stomach, it felt like this place is haunted. I yelled out if anyone else was there, but no response. She then saw a door with a light in it.

She ran to the door and opened it without thinking. Inside was a big nursery, there were changing tables, diaper pails, cribs, and toys all around the room. I walked into the room and the door closed and locked behind me. I tried to open the door but couldn't.

"Hello, little one." I turn around and see a ghost looking at me. I hiss at it scared. "It's okay little one I won't hurt you," she said. The ghost picked me up and injected me with something.

She puts me on the changing table and says to me that she right back. She leaves, and I feel weird about what she injected me with. She came back with some lotion, and right then and there I knew what was going on. She was going to diaper me

I was just too weak to fight, so she put a diaper on me easily. First, she put the baby cream on the brush and brushed it onto my bum. I flint because of how cold it was. Then she folds the diaper around me and taped it up.

Then put a pacifier in my mouth. It feels so good and calming. Then she puts me in one of the cribs. The crib is so comfortable and warm, so I close my eyes and go to sleep.

To Be Continued?