Chapter Five: Cute Baby Rocky

"Done, now let's go to the doctor," Sylveon said.

Pikachu just slept on the car ride there, Rocky was happy to finally get looked at by a doctor. He tried to talk but could not, only baby blappers came out. "Your almost a complete baby now." the voice said. Rocky started to tear up.

Umbreon called Sylveon on the phone. "Yes Umbreon?" she said. "When will you be home?" he said. "Probably not today," she said. "WHAT!" he yelled. "My eardrums," she said. "Sorry mom, it's just why so long?" he said. "I would tell you if I could," she said. "Look, mom, I have to go love you," he said. "Love you too," she said. Sylveon hung up the phone.

Rocky put his pacifier in his mouth, and when to sleep. Sylveon looked at Pikachu and Rocky sleeping in the back. She smiled. They got to the Pokemon Vet. But before they did get there Sylveon went to the shop to get some move baby stuff. Sylveon put Pikachu in a Pichu onesie and Rocky in an Eevee onesie.

"Mew has won." the voice said. Rocky now knew the voice's name was Mew. They went to the room they were told to go to and waited there. The doctor came and Sylveon told him everything. "Your kids are going threw regression, and I'm sorry but nothing can stop regression," he said. "What!" Sylveon said crying. They left the Pokemon Vet. They got in the car, and Sylveon was crying.

She fed them in the car. "Please let me talk to my mommy!" Rocky said to Mew. Mew got sad. "Fine, you get the rest of today," Mew said. "Thank you so much!" Rocky said. "Mommy! I don't want to be a baby." Rocky said. "Rocky I love you and I always will, Chu-Chu to I will always love," Sylveon said. Rocky wetted his diaper, the same with Pikachu. But Rocky did not care he just wanted to talk to his mommy for the last time. The night came. "Mommy," he said. "Yes Rocky," she said. "I'm going to become a baby now. So I just wanted to say, thanks for saving and taking me in that day," he said. Sylveon hugged Rocky and said, "I love you." Sylveon's tears in Rocky fur, and Rocky's tears in Sylveon's fur. Sylveon went home.

When they got home the first thing Sylveon did was take them to the bathroom to change their diapers

Sylveon started the process, she first started by grabbing the baby powder and shaking it on their private parts.

Then she flipped them over, and she shook the baby powder on their butts.

She then flipped them back over.

She then put the diaper underneath their butts, folded the diapers over their private parts, and taped their diapers shut.

After she changed Rocky and Pikachu she put their pacifiers in their mouths. She then put Pikachu to bed and gave her a Pichu plush, and kissed her good night. She did the same for Rocky. Put Rocky in bed and gave him Eevee, and kissed him good night. She left Rocky and Pikachu's room. "Espeon! Umbreon! Come in my room please!" Sylveon said crying. Sylveon told them everything.

When I woke up I felt weird like I was no longer in control of my body. "Your baby mind has now taken full control," Mew said

Back in the real world

Sylveon was in bed crying. "Rocky and Pikachu are gone now!" Sylveon cried. "No, just stuck as babies," Umbreon said. "Umbreon that didn't help!" Espeon said.

Back in Rocky's mind

He thought "Are we stuck as babies forever?" Rocky said crying.

The End???