Chapter One: Haunted Daycare?

"Vulpix honey, wake up!" my mom said. I slowly opened my eyes and yawned. I smelled the smell of breakfast that mom was cooking, it smelled like waffles or pancakes. But which was it?

I got out of bed, and looked in the mirror, "I'm still super small!" I thought to myself. "I'm ten and I'm the size of a baby!" I thought to myself.

I started to cry but kept it together. "No! Don't cry, 'cause then you're just acting like a baby." Vulpix said. She went downstairs to eat. Ninetales was in the kitchen. "Honey, you're going to be late for school." mom said. "I know mom," Vulpix said.

After I ate, I left for school. At school during class, my friends were talking about a "haunted daycare" . It got my attention though. After class during lunch, I talked to my friends about the "haunted daycare"

"Hey, have you two heard about the haunted daycare?" I said. Pichu looked at me. "Yeah, I've heard about it." She said, Dedenne then turned at both of us. "Me too, I think it's fake though. Think about a haunted daycare. I don't believe in ghosts." Dedenne said. "Don't say that, the ghosts will get mad!" Pichu said.

"Ghosts aren't real!" Dedenne said. "Yes, they are!" "No, they aren't!" They yelled at each other. "Can everyone please just stop yelling at each other!" I yelled, and they stopped yelling. "That's it! Tonight we all go to the daycare and spend the night." Dedenne said. Both me and Pichu looked at each other. "S-sure," Pichu said. Dedenne looked at me. "Well, Vulpix?" Dedenne said. O-okay, but you have to be there for me if I get caught." I said. "All ways!" Dedenne said.