Chapter Two: The Sneak Out

At the end of the school day, I'm nervous about this but I already agreed to this. I have to find a way for me to sneak out of my house without my parents knowing. The rest of the day went like normal, I got home, I talked to my parents about school, I got a snack, I did my homework, relaxed, ate dinner, and got ready for bed.

I said good night to my parents and went to my room. I thought about taking a little nap, but I knew if I fell asleep, I wouldn't wake back up. I hopped on my bed and looked at the time. "Okay, almost time to sneak out." I said.

When it hit 10 pm, I hopped out of my bed, and walked to the window and I looked out the window. I then carefully hopped the window onto the ground below. Then I started to walk to Pichu's house

I finally made it to Pichu's house, I then walked around to her bedroom and I knocked on her bedroom window. She then opened her window and looked at me, "Ready to go Pichu," I said. "Yeah just give me a second," she replied. 

She carefully hopped out of her window onto the ground, she fell when she hit the ground. "Are you okay Pichu," I asked her. "I'm fine," she responded. "Well, let's go to Dedenne's house now," I said. Pichu nodded at me. Pichu shivered because of how cold it was outside.

We then head to Dedenne's house to pick her up. When we made it to her house, we walked to her bedroom window and I knocked on it. Dedenne opened her window and looked at us, she then hopped out of her window on to the ground.

"Okay, are you two ready to go to the daycare," Dedenne said. "I'm ready, " I said. "I guess." Pichu said. "Okay, I'll lead the way," Dedenne said. 

As we walked to the daycare, I got darker and colder. With me being an ice type, the cold doesn't bother me. But I could tell the coldness was getting to Pichu and Dedenne. The time was now midnight, when we finally made it to the daycare. It was very rundown, with dust and spiders and spider webs everywhere.

We walked up to the front door and I tried to open it, but the door didn't budge at all. "So how are we getting in now," I asked. "Maybe there's a window we can crawl through," Dedenne responded. "Good thinking Dedenne," I said. Pichu pointed out an open window on the right side of the daycare.

"There," she said. "Well that's convenient," I said. We walked to the window and thought about how to reach it. Pichu and Dedenne look at me, "What?" I asked them. "You're the one with the ice powers, can't you make like an ice staircase that we can walk up to the window," Dedenne said. "M-maybe I can," I said.

I backed up and howled, my ice breath making a small staircase for us to walk up on. "Wow, I didn't think that would work," Pichu said. My paw became weak and I fell to the ground. They ran up to me and helped me up, "Are you okay Vupix?" Dedenne said. "Yeah I'm fine. I've just never used my ice breath that much before," I replied. "Look, can we just enter the daycare now," I said. 

We then walked up the staircase. I'm still very wobbly as we walked up the stairs, I almost fell down the stairs because of how weak I was now. The window we entered led us into a nursery room. There were toys on a shelf and in a toy box, a changing table with diapers and other supplies, and a broken clock on the wall.

"Well now what," Pichu said, hiding a little behind me. "Well we came here to explore, so let's go explore," Dedenne said. "She is right, that's why we came here to explore." I said. "So that's what we're going to do, we meet back here when we are done looking around," I said. "O-okay," Pichu said. "Got it," Dedenne said. "Okay stay safe you two," I said. 

We then separated to explore the daycare. 

"That makes it easier for me..."