New Years, New Regression

It was two hours till midnight which will be the end of 2023 and the start of 2024. Piki (a Pikachu) and Nova (an Eevee) were both in bed waiting for midnight to come.

They were home alone tonight because their mom had to work late that night, she is a night owl so she likes to work late.

Their dad is also working late that night, his job is as a night watch security guard at a school.

Nova jumped out of bed and put her PJs on, "I'm going to get a snack. Do you want anything?" Nova said. Piki got out of bed and put their PJs on. "I'll come with," Piki said.

They both went to the kitchen to get some snacks. Nova opened the fridge to get two snack bags for them. She was going to close the fridge but something got her attention. She grabbed two baby bottles out of the fridge.

One had an Eevee holding a Pokeball winking with hearts on it.

The second had two Pikachus holding hands with stars on them.

I blushed after seeing it. They both had a liquid in them. "What are those?" Piki said. Nova noticed a note on one of the bottles. It said

Dear Nova & Piki,

In these bottles is a liquid that can turn you back into babies. If you choose to become babies again, drink the liquid from the bottles and wait for the change. Put on diapers before the change. You will lose your bladder and bowel control. Your speech, movement, and brain power will also be weakened. But the choice is yours.

Love, Mom & Dad

They grabbed the bottles and went back to their bedroom. Nova looked at her bottle. "I'm not just going to drink this, right?" she thought to herself. Piki came back with two big puffy diapers.

Then Piki got on top of me. "Piki, what are you doing?!" I yelled. They don't say anything. Piki yanks my PJ pants down and puts the under me. I try to pull back up my PJ pants but failed. Piki got powder and put it on my private. "Achoo!" "Bless you." Piki says. "Thank you." I say. Piki then folds it over my privates and tapes it shut.

"What the heck Pi-" Piki puts the Eevee bottle in my mouth. I try to spit it out but drank some of the liquid. I then just drink the liquid, and it tasted like spoiled milk mixed with rotten strawberries.

"Piki, why did you do that?!" I yelled. Piki looks at me. "Because I want us to become babies for the year." Piki said, putting a diaper on. "Maybe I didn't want to become a baby again. You should ask before you do something like that because I'm going to regress into a baby." Nova said.

"I'm sorry, Nova." Piki said, drinking the liquid. "It's okay, Piki." I said. I can feel the liquid taking effect.

Time: 10:54pm (12/31/2023)

We were both in bed, still awake. I feel a twinge in my bladder, then a hissing sound


I blushed, and I continued to wet my diaper. It got very warm and had a yellow tint to it, then I finished.

"Nova, did you just wet your diaper?" "M-maybe" I said embarrassed and blushing. I start to tear up, my brother hugged me which made me feel a little better.

I looked at his diaper which was also wet. "Well, we'll get used to wetting and messing diapers again." he said. I couldn't tell if he was trying to make me feel better, but it was not working.

Time: 11:26pm (12/31/2023)

My stomach starts to hurt. "No, pwease nowt thawt," I hopped out of bed and start to mess my diaper. "Gweat, now i even tawk wike a baby." I say messing my diaper. 

Time: 12:00am (1/1/2024)

"Thiws iws going tuwu be a "fun" yeaw..."