Chapter Three: Diaper-Chu

Sylveon bought Pikachu to the bathroom to put her in a diaper. "I'm older then Eevee, Leafeon and Glaceon, and i'm potty trained, I don't need diapees, I mean, diapers!" Pikachu yelled blushing. Sylveon looked at Pikachu and put her on there old changing table. "Pikachu look at your self, you're acting like a baby!" Sylveon said. Sylveon got one of Pikachu's old diapers out of one of the drawers. Pikachu did not grow a lot so her old diaper should sill fit her. "So Pikachu lay down so I can put this diaper on you." Sylveon said. Pikachu did not want to but she knew it was going to happen, so she did what Sylveon told her to and lay down. "Good girl." Sylveon said. Sylveon spread Pikachu's legs out, Pikachu blushed. Sylveon then got some baby powder and she powder Pikachu's privates. "A-achoo!" Pikachu sneezed blushing. "Bless you." Sylveon said. "Thank you." Pikachu said blushing. Sylveon then continued to diaper Pikachu. She flipped Pikachu over and powder Pikachu's butt, Pikachu blushed, she flipped Pikachu back over. She the put the diaper under Pikachu's butt and folded it over Pikachu's privates and taped it on Pikachu. "Their we go." Sylveon said "It feels so weird." Pikachu said blushing. "Your get used to it." Sylveon said "Look I gotta go make breakfast, so you off and play." Sylveon said with a smile. "Fine, could you get me off the changing table?" Pikachu said. "Yes I will." Sylveon said. She picked up Pikachu and put her on the ground. "Bye mommy love you!" Pikachu said. Sylveon smiled. "Love you to!" Sylveon said. Sylveon then left the bathroom, Pikachu stayed thinking to her self. When she tried to walk but she fell to ground, because she is not used to her legs so push out. "I hate you diaper!" Pikachu yelled blushing. She tried to stand back up, she did it but sill could walk. "Rocky!" Pikachu called. Rocky came in the room, he tried not to laugh at seeing his sister, he did a laugh little bit. She started to cry, she could not help it. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry." Rocky said. It hurt him a lot because she never cries. "It's okay, can you help me walk?" Pikachu said. "Yea I will." Rocky said. Rocky held on to Pikachu to help her walk. They spent a half-hour helping Pikachu walk, she could waddle now. "It's time for breakfast, you think you can make it there your self?" Rocky said. "Yea I think so." Pikachu said. "Okay let's go." Rocky said. Pikachu waddle to the dinning room, Rocky right behind her. "Where were you two?" Sylveon said. "I was helping Pikachu get to here." Rocky said. "Can we eat now, me Leafeon and Glaceon want to get back to playing?" Eevee said. "Yes, let eat." Sylveon said. After they got done eating Espeon and Umbreon when back up stairs, and Eevee, Leafeon and Glaceon went back to the playroom, and Sylveon cleaned up. "So what do you want to do?" Rocky said. "I wan in plyroome." Pikachu said like a baby. "You want to play with Eevee in the playroom?" Rocky said. "Yes!" Pikachu said. They when to the playroom Umbreon and Espeon was there watching them, Rocky lifted Pikachu in the playpen. "Hey Umbro." Rocky said. Rocky likes to call Umbreon "Umbro". "Hey Rockruff." Umbreon said. "Good one Umbreon." Espeon said. "Please don't call me that!" Rocky said. "Don't call me Umbro then." Umbreon said. "Yea look I can watch them." Rocky said "Really thanks, Espeon lets go!" Umbreon said. They left the room fast. "Thank the stars their gone." Rocky said. Rocky got on a chair and was watching play. Pikachu was having a lot of she did not know she had wet her diaper

Rocky notice Pikachu and called for Sylveon. "Mom could I change Pikachu please?" Rocky said. "I don't see why not, if you want her you can." Sylveon said. "Pikachu!" Sylveon said. Pikachu came to the side of the pen, Rocky got her out of the pen. "I'll be back." Rocky said. Rocky bought Pikachu to the bathroom "I was having fun why did you take me away?" Pikachu said. She then felt warmth around her and blushed "Oh I didn't!" Pikachu said blushing. "You did, that why i'm going to change you" Rocky said. Pikachu looked at Rocky and blushed. "Lets get this over with."Rocky spread Pikachu's legs out and remove the wet diaper. Rocky then got some baby powder and he powder Pikachu's privates, Pikachu blush. He flipped Pikachu over and powder Pikachu's butt, Pikachu blushed, he flipped Pikachu back over. He put the new diaper under Pikachu's butt, he then folded it over Pikachu's privates and taped it on Pikachu. "Done, now you can go back to playing with Eevee" Rocky said. "Yay!" Pikachu yelled. The night time came Sylveon and Rocky got Eevee, Leafeon and Gleason to bed and are trying to get Pikachu to bed. "Pikachu it's time for bed." Rocky said. "Sorry my mind as just been a crazy today." Pikachu said. "It's okay Pikachu, but its bedtime for the both of you." Sylveon said. "Yes mommy." Rocky said. Pikachu and Sylveon looked at Rocky. "So you did call me mommy at the beginning of the day." Sylveon said. "I must have." Rocky said. "I have a feeling me and Rocky got younger so how." Pikachu said. "Look we'll talk about this tomorrow you two gotta go to bed." Sylveon said. "Okay mommy, good night mommy." Pikachu and Rocky said.