Church Restoration and Digital Outreach

Lottery Community Fund: Digital Outreach

In July of last year, we applied for a grant from the Lottery Community Fund to help us make better use of technology to maintain and improve our contacts within the parish and the wider community. In October 2020 we let you know that our application had been successful and, since then, we have been working with the Diocese to investigate what we need to do to meet the terms of the grant and fulfil our initial plans, including, for example:

1. Setting up a Parish YouTube link to allow us to live-stream Public Acts of Worship including Masses, Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals;

2. Establishing a Parish Discussion Group to consider and respond to Bishop Mark’s Pastoral Letter entitled “A Precious Place of God’s Grace”. This is led by Fr Peter Coxe and started during Lent. Following a brief hiatus, the group meetings will recommence at 2pm on Friday 16th April, and is open to new parties; send an email to Fr Peter via if you think this may be for you. Follow this link to view the document;

3. Launching a Parish Prayer Group using ZOOM;

4. Publishing a ‘virtual’ tour of the church on the Parish website.

We have already begun to use ZOOM for Catechesis for our children who will be making their First Holy Communion this year and, you will recall that we used ZOOM to celebrate Morning Prayer every Tuesday during the first lockdown in 2020.

An Exeter-based IT company recommended by the Diocese, which has already carried out IT installations at Blessed Sacrament and Sacred Heart churches in Exeter and St Mary & St George in Totnes, carried out a

survey here at St Marychurch at the end of January. They have successfully installed equipment and Masses will be streamed and available to view on Youtube on Ash Wednesday (18th February) and for weekend Masses from 20th/21st February. Please visit Youtube and search for Potts Chatto, the Parish Youtube page named in homage to our benefactors. Livestream Masses and historic Masses areavailable to view.

If you would like to be part of the Parish Prayer Group, please email Vicky in the Parish Office on

Repair Work Update

Heritage Stimulus Fund

Grants for Programmes of Major Works

(Cultural Recovery Fund)

Phase 1 Grant

We let you know in October 2020 that our application for a grant, supported by the Diocese and limited to Grade I and Grade II* listed buildings, was successful. Works covered by the grant we have received began on Monday 25th January with the erection of scaffolding in the Baptistry and around St Dominic’s Altar on the north side of the Sanctuary.

Access to both areas will be restricted whilst works are being carried out. Works, which should be completed by 31st March 2021, include:

· Provision of rainwater disposal from tower belfry and spire to prevent water ingress into Baptistry;

· conservation and repairs to internal widow and ceiling stonework in the Baptistry and repair and renewal of plasterwork damaged by previous water ingress;

· conservation and repairs to ceiling, plasterwork and stonework around St Dominic’s Altar;

· repair, renewal and redecoration of internal walls within the Baptistry and St Dominic’s Altar.

We have been advised that additional funding may be available from Historic England’s Cultural Recovery Fund where any grants awarded must be spent by the end of June 2021. If that funding materialises we will make another grant application and hope that we will then be able to carry out the work previously identified for the Nun’s Choir, Library and St Thomas’ meeting room.

Canon Michael Lock

Parish Priest

24th January 2021

Update 26th February 2021

Work is progressing well on the Sanctuary and in the Baptistry. Canon Michael and Felicity were recently invited by the building company we have employed to select a paint from the specialist ‘Earthborn Claypaints’ range, designed for historic buildings. The technologically advanced approach utilised to create this range of paints ensures they are sensitive to the fabric of historic buildings, to the health of their occupants and to the environment. The properties of the paints are formulated to maintain the breathability of the church, which was built in an age when modern specifications such as cavity walls and damp coursing were not standard practice. You may have noticed, had you ever glanced up at the walls at the left side of the Sanctuary, that the plaster was flaking and discoloured in places; this was also the case in the Baptistry, and was due to historic water leaks. The solid masonry walls erected in the church consist of a natural material that allows moisture to permeate throughout them and evaporate; thus, the application of sympathetic paint is vital to the ongoing appearance and structure of the walls. The restoration of the plasterwork in the Baptistry and on the Sanctuary will be preserved and enhanced by the clay-based paints to prevent further moisture damage, to reduce the need for remedial work in the future, and to allow the walls to breathe again. Following careful consideration of the shades available, two samples of paint were procured and tested in small patches on the walls, to be observed in different light conditions. Canon Michael and Felicity eventually settled upon the shade named ‘Piglet’, which lends a creamy freshness to the new plasterwork, bringing an air of brightness to the building.

Update 19th March 2021

The repair and redecoration of the Baptistry and around St Dominic’s altar at the side of the Sanctuary has now completed, and Heritage Glass has also replaced the window bars. The scaffolding will be removed soon, followed by the wooden shuttering and the floor coverings. The next stage of the project will commence shortly, comprising the plaster work repairs and the redecoration of the Triforium, gallery and passageway.

Full details of the Cathedrals and Churches awarded grant funding can be found at Information about Historic England and the additional funding stimulus can be found at

Update 1st April 2021

All the repair and redecoration works scheduled in the first phase have now been completed, and the church is looking beautiful in time for the celebration of Eastertide.

The next stage of the project will commence shortly, comprising the plaster work repairs and the redecoration of the Triforium, gallery and passageway.

Update 16th April

The plaster work repairs of the Triforium, the gallery and the passageway are complete, and the redecoration of these areas has now begun.

Update 30th April

The redecoration is now underway and is progressing well.

Update 7th May

All works are now completed and have been signed off. The areas of decoration are looking lovely.

Damage around the Baptistry Window

Baptistry ceiling showing access to the tower belfry

St Dominic's Altar on the north side of the Santuary

Progress of works:

Baptistry ceiling

Baptistery ceiling

Baptistry ceiling



St Dominic's Altar

Triforium ceiling before

Triforium ceiling before

Triforium before

Triforium after

Full details of the Cathedrals and Churches awarded grant funding can be found at And, information about Historic England and the additional funding stimulus can be found at

Our Lady Help of Christians & St Denis

St Marychurch, Torquay

Organ Appeal

Project update

A BIG thank you to all our parishioners and visitors who made donations to the Organ Restoration Fund since the fund opened in July 2020. The project has expanded to cover works to both the main church organ and the small organ located in the Nun’s Choir; we are already benefitting from the restored small organ as it is now in use during Sunday Masses.

Income received and expenditure incurred on the project to date are:

Income: £21,128.96

· Legacies: £1,100.00

· Gift Aided Donations: £12,575.00

· Non-Gift Aided Donations: £7,453.96

(NB: the £12,575 which has been Gift Aided will, once the Tax Refunds have been received, add an additional £3,143.75 to the Appeal)

Expenditure: £4,516.15

· Reports and promotion video necessary to support the National Lottery Grant application: £1,835.00

· Emergency repairs to main organ: £413.15

· Work necessary to repair and return the small organ to working order: £2,268.00

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic our application for a National Heritage grant for the organ restoration is ‘on hold’; however, all the necessary forms have been completed and are ready for submission as soon as we receive the go-ahead. And, we hope that the video made to support the grant application will be made available to all parishioners shortly – watch-out for an announcement in the newsletter.

If you have any questions about the Organ Restoration Project please speak to either myself, Joseph Acton (Organist and Finance Committee member) or Felicity Stead (Parish Treasurer).

Canon Michael Lock

Parish Priest

24th January 2021