About us

We are a large parish, serving St Marychurch, Babbacombe, Watcombe, Barton and Hele. Canon Michael Lock is the parish priest.   Weekday Mass is said daily at 10am, and weekend Masses take place on Saturday evenings at 6pm (the first Mass of Sunday) and 10am on Sundays.  In addition to a 10am morning Mass there is a 7pm evening Mass on Holy Days of Obligation

There is a welcome element of religious life in the church: the sisters of Les Filles de la Croix worship regularly with us. This is part of the Evangelisation initiative implemented throughout the Diocese.

The parish is fortunate to enjoy strong links with local primary and secondary schools. Children from Priory Primary School attend Mass weekly during term-time, and take an active part on days of special significance, often helping to lead various liturgies. Students at St Cuthbert Mayne Comprehensive School help to nurture our ecumenical side - St Cuthbert Mayne is a joint Roman Catholic-Church of England school.

We have healthy ecumenical links with other churches in the vicinity, such as our neighbour, St Mary the Virgin Anglican church. During Lent, we share charitable 'Lent Lunches' with parishioners of St Mary the Virgin, and on Sunday evenings throughout the season of Lent we alternately host Stations of the Cross. On Good Friday, the two churches join together with Furrough Cross United Reform church for a 'Walk of Witness', a moving remembrance, in words and music, of Jesus' journey to the cross, which culminates in the erection of a simple cross on Babbacombe Downs, followed by a sociable gathering with tea and hot cross buns at one of the nearby churches.

Our church provides a beautiful venue for the celebration of the sacraments. Many Baptisms take place during Sunday Mass, and it's always wonderful to see families grow and flourish through this sacrament. Every year, a First Holy Communion programme runs from the autumn to early summer. The celebration of the First Holy Communion Mass is always a special time in the parish, and is well-supported by parishioners. We celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation bi-yearly; candidates enjoy a period of prepration that regularly includes a sociable weekend retreat at the beautiful Buckfast Abbey. The stunning interior and pretty exterior of the church provide a beatiful backdrop for the celebration of the sacrament of matrimony, achieving photographic elegance with effortless ease. With regard to the end of life, we are fortunate to have nurtured a good relationship with local Funeral Directors, which helps to alleviate some of the distress during times of family grief. 

Sunday Masses and Masses on Holy Days of Obligation are accompanied by the organ and choir music, and occasionally enhanced by insrumentalists. Joseph Acton, the organist, is always seeking new choir members; the lofty vaults demand a swelling sound.

There is a strong representation of the Guild of St Stephen in the parish, with a team of faithful servers, ably led by Richard Stead. New recruits are yearly inducted on St Stephen's Day at a special Mass followed by hot drinks and bacon butties.

The church's glory is enhanced both by the careful touch of the flower team, which refreshes the beautiful blooms around the church and on the altar on a weekly basis, and under the exacting eye of the cleaning team. Their joint efforts never fail to highlight how lucky we are to have such a wonderful building - recently elevated to Grade I status - in which to worship.

The social life of the parish, although limited by the absence of a church hall, is nonetheless vibrant and welcoming. Parishioners frequently gather for 'Coffee after Mass' on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday mornings, meeting in St Dominic's room to share a plate of biscuits and friendship. During the summer months, we have as many barbeques as can be aranged, gathering - rain or shine - in the presbytery garden after Sunday Mass for burgers and beer. Other parish social events in the past include birthday parties and parties to mark special anniversaries.

Parish groups and organisations enjoy an active life, including the Finance and Liturgy Committees, which each meet several times a year to discuss significant financial and liturgical concerns.

Enquiries about the establishment of new social groups are always welcome.