Vendors FAQs

  1. When and how do we get paid?

Payments are made once a month after the month is closed. You will receive you payout within 7 business days in the payment method you added on the site.

2. I already have an Etsy site and my own Facebook page, why should I join your site?

Ottawa Artisans doesn't ask for any exclusivity so you are welcome to keep all your other sites and pages, and link them to your Ottawa Artisans account! The main issue with Etsy is that in addition to all the posting, payment and processing fees, your products are constantly in competition with sellers from all over the world. This drives your prices down and makes it very difficult for you to be found. Also, if you don't want to ship your products, Ottawa Artisans is a better option for finding local buyers.

3. Can I offer shipping or only local pick-up?

Each seller can add shipping at cart. This way, the shipping is added through the cart and paid for by the buyer (Please note that the %15 commission is also added on shipping). We also encourage safe local pick-up or drop-off in town.

4. Crafting is just a hobby for me, what if I get too many orders?

With a quick email to me (, I can pause your store instantly and hide your products from the store. That means that you can go on vacation, relax with your family or just take a break at any time without having to worry about getting orders when you are not ready to fulfill them.

5. I'm still not convinced, I've been making some sales through different FB groups...

Well let's look at it this way, while you might already have your Facebook page and your payment method figured out, Ottawa Artisans offers to drive traffic directly to your page ! So while you are busy at your day-to-day job, social media marketing, back-end analytics, SEO, etc. are all working to bring some eye-balls to your products without you having to lift a finger! AND you still get to reply to the buyer's request on your popular buy and sell groups, but instead of adding a simple product photo, you send them to your Ottawa Artisans shop with all your products displayed in a professional store! They can buy the product they were looking for... and maybe a few things more!

Do you have any other questions you would like answered? Send them to and I'll add them to this FAQ!