Optional: Linking your domain

Here is how you can link your personal domain to your Ottawa Artisans' store.

What is a domain? A domain is a custom url attached to your business name (for example: www.busybaby.com). Buying the domain for your business is a good idea as it keeps competitors from creating a site using your name.

Having your custom domain attached to your Ottawa Artisans' page gives you a professional looking ecommerce site without having to deal with the set-up and maintenance and allows you to use your brand instead of the ottawaartisans/bla_bla_bla url in your social media pages and branding.

Note: A redirect to your Ottawa Artisans' page is temporary and can be undone at any point. You control that from where you control your domain and remove the link if you wish to do so.

Where to buy a domain:

  • Godaddy.com

  • namecheap.com

  • Google

  • ... there are many more options so make sure you shop around before you buy the domain! Unless you have a very popular name, it should be around 15$/year to own your domain.

How to...

Go Daddy: https://ca.godaddy.com/help/forward-my-domain-12123

Namecheap: https://www.namecheap.com/support/knowledgebase/article.aspx/385/2237/how-to-redirect-a-url-for-a-domain

Google: https://support.google.com/domains/answer/4522141?hl=en

Other: Google ''___(godaddy)___ how to forward domain''.

If you still need help to link it, I can help you set this up for a fee of 20$. Just email me at ottawaartisans.com and I'll get it organized for you. (I do have to charge to help with this as my time is extremely limited right now.)