Step 4: Making a sale

First, a buyer will add one of your products to their card and complete the payment.

NOTE: in your order notification you will see ''shipping address'' that is just the buyer's address, it doesn't mean they require shipping, you need to contact them for that.

Cart view

Payment completed view

  1. You will receive an email from the platform.

Titled: Order placed

2. You will prepare the order and go to your seller's platform.

Click on Orders and Orders Listing. You will see your new order in the list with the red box Unfulfilled.

Click on the ... to open it.

3. Review the information in the order.

This will tell you the product information and the buyer's contact information. You should always contact the buyer within 24 hours of the purchase to confirm how they would like to receive the product.

Shipping: Please note that shipping can be added to an existing order for the buyer to approve. Once you have discussed your shipping fee with the buyer, you can let me know and it will be added on the existing invoice for them to approve. This will allow this shipping fee to be collected and remain on the same original transaction (Please note: The transaction fee of 15% is on the total order, even if there is a shipping fee).

4. Fulfill when ready.

Once your order is ready, click on Fulfill. (At this point, I will be notified so I can pay you at the end of the month).

You should also enter the delivery date. This will keep track of when the item was given to the buyer, giving us a paper trail of when the transaction happened in case of any issues.

Note: This should be done before the last day of the month for all items delivered so you can be paid!


Time to grab a cocktail, you have completed your sale!

On the right side of the page, you will also see a handy dashboard that will give you an overview of the order status, your earnings, and an option to print an invoice for the customer (or your records)

If you go back to your order listing, you will see it in green as it is completed!