O projektu
About the Project

Osloni se na IKT je naš prvi Erasmus+ projekt. Istini za volju, neki od nas nekakvih Erasmus iskustava već imaju radeći u drugim školama i sudjelujući u pojedinim Erasmus+ aktivnostima. No, svima nama kao kolektivu ovo je jedno novo iskustvo i novi (veliki) izazov. Pomalo smo uplašeni i nesigurni, što je vjerojatno iskustvo jednako iskustvu svih (ili bar većine) novopridošlih sudionika ovoga programa, ali već sad, za početak, ono što smo uradili i što planiramo uraditi dobar nam je motiv za buduće projekte, ali i za pomoć svima onima koje prvi Erasmus+ koraci tek čekaju. 

Radujemo se svemu što slijedi do kraja! I, kao što moto Erasmusa kaže: Erasmus + Obogaćuje živote, širi vidike, tako se i mi nadamo stjecanju velikog iskustvenog bogatstva i proširenih vidika. 

Lean on ICT is our first Erasmus+ project. To tell the truth, some of us already have some kind of Erasmus experience working in other schools and participating in certain Erasmus+ activities. However, for all of us as a collective, this is a new experience and a new (big) challenge. We are a bit scared and insecure, which is probably the experience of all (or at least most) newly arrived participants of this program, but already, for a start, what we have done and what we plan to do is a good motivation for future projects, as well as for any help we might offer and give to all those who are still waiting for the first Erasmus+ steps.

We look forward to everything that follows until the end! And, as the motto of Erasmus says: Erasmus + Enriches lives, opening minds, so we also hope to acquire great experiential wealth and expanded horizons.