Očekivani rezultati projekta
Expected project results

Najveći rezultat ovog projekta bit će ostvarivanje zacrtanih ciljeva. To se, prije svega, odnosi na jačanje digitalnih kompetencija naših odgojno-obrazovnih djelatnika i učenika, te uvođenje novih digitalnih tehnologija i inovativnih metoda poučavanja u svakodnevni nastavni rad. Međutim, pored ostvarivanja ciljeva projekta, nadamo se i ostvarivanju širih ciljeva, a to je uspostava partnerskih odnosa sa srodnim organizacijama u Europi i ostvarivanje kontakata koji će u skorijoj budućnosti rezultirati novim partnerstvima i novoj razmjeni iskustava i znanja sa srodnim ustanovama i sustručnjacima diljem Europe. 


Ishodi projekta bi, dakle, bili sljedeći: 


The greatest result of this project will be the achievement of the set goals. This, above all, refers to strengthening the digital competences of our educational staff and students, and the introduction of new digital technologies and innovative teaching methods into everyday teaching. However, in addition to achieving the goals of the project, we also hope to achieve broader goals, namely the establishment of partnership relations with related organizations in Europe and the establishment of contacts that will in the near future result in new partnerships and a new exchange of experience and knowledge with related institutions and fellow experts across Europe. 


The outcomes of the project would therefore be the following: