Logotip projekta
Project's emblem

Logotip projekta djelo je učitelja informatike Gorana Bunića. Izradio ga je na molbu projektnoga tima, a nakon što smo primili informaciju da je Agencija za mobilnost i projekte Europske unije odobrila naš projektni prijedlog. 

Logotip se jasno referira na ciljeve našeg projekta zorno prikazujući našu školu u njegovu fokusu. Na logotipu su prikazane ruke osobe koja pridržavajući tablet jednom, kažiprstom druge ruke kreće kliknuti na logotip naše škole, dok je u gornjem lijevom i donjem desnom kutu tableta naveden naziv projekta na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku. 

The project logo is the work of Informatics teacher Goran Bunić. He created it at the request of the project team, and after we received information that the Agency for Mobility and Projects of the European Union approved our project proposal.

The logo clearly refers to the goals of our project, clearly showing our school in its focus. The logo shows the hands of a person who, holding the tablet on one hand, starts to click on the logo of our school with the index finger of the other hand, while the name of the project in Croatian and English is indicated in the upper left and lower right corners of the tablet.