Kako smo osmislili projekt?
How did we design this project?

Dugo je vremena prošlo otkako smo prvi put počeli promišljati o Erasmusu. No, sve je to bilo usput. Kad bismo i promišljali o tome, nismo bili sigurni što bismo odabrali kao središnju temu našega projekta. Uz to, Erasmus nam je bio velika nepoznanica, pa nismo zapravo znali ni otkud početi. 


Dobivši informaciju o edukaciji za Erasmus+ početnike, bez razmišljanja smo se, nas četvero iz kolektiva, prijavili za istu. Bilo je to u Osijeku, 2. rujna 2022. godine. Edukaciju su održale divne kolegice iz 1. gimnazije Osijek koje već imaju podosta Erasmus iskustava i svojim izlaganjem prilično su nas zaintrigirali. Već pri vježbi koja je bila sastavni dio edukacije počeli smo promišljati u pravcu ideje koju smo u konačnici i ostvarili kao projektni prijedlog. No, dvoumili smo se pokušati uopće ili ne jer pred nama je bilo tek nešto više od mjesec dana do roka za predaju projektnog prijedlog. 


Budući da bi nam ovo bio prvi projektni prijedlog, razmišljali smo što bismo mogli osmisliti, a da možemo brzo izraditi projektnu prijavu, da nam može koristiti u budućem radu i da možemo realizirati što je moguće jednostavnije. Ono što smo se u početku jednoglasno dogovorili jest da ćemo se za prvi put oprobati samo u mobilnosti djelatnika, a da ćemo mobilnost učenika ostaviti za priliku kad se malo uhodamo. 

Hoćemo li nekakvu zaštitu okoliša? Ili ćemo nešto o zdravoj prehrani? Ili možda nešto o održivom razvoju? Ili možda nešto o IKT-u? IKT... Da! IKT! To je to! Ideja se polako počela formirati. Razmišljali smo o tome da bi bilo dobro projektom pokušati ohrabriti sve one koji u našem kolektivu još uvijek ne rabe IKT aktivno u onoj mjeri u kojoj bi mogli, pokušati podići uporabu IKT-a na nešto višu razinu. Istini za volju, tijekom pandemijske nastave na daljinu IKT-a je mnogima već bilo preko glave, pa su mnogi već počeli zazirati od njega. No, upravo zbog preopterećenosti IKT-om tijekom pandemije, pomalo smo propustili uvidjeti prednosti uporabe IKT-a u nastavi. Stoga smo odlučili poraditi na osnaživanju uporabe IKT-a kako među našim kolegicama i kolegama, tako i među učenicima. 


U tih mjesec dana smo se nekoliko puta okupili kako bismo razmatrali projektni prijedlog, nas četvero i ravnatelj. Vrlo često smo komunicirali i na daljinu, skupa sudjelovali u uređivanju projektnog prijedloga, sve do njegovog konačnog izgleda. Pomislili smo: zašto ne, idemo probati! I tako se rodio projektni prijedlog koji je kao takav u konačnici i odobren. I evo nas sada tu. 

A long time has passed since we first started thinking about Erasmus. But all that was passin by as it was talked about. Even in the moments we were to think about it, we were not sure what we would choose as the central topic of our project. In addition, Erasmus was a big unknown thing to us, so we didn't really know where to start.


Having received information about the education for Erasmus+ beginners, without thinking, four of us from the collective applied for it. It was in Osijek, September 2, 2022. The education was held by wonderful colleagues from the 1st gymnasium Osijek who already had a lot of Erasmus experience and they intrigued us quite a big with their presentation. During the exercise, which was an integral part of the education, we began to think about the direction of our idea, which we ultimately realized as a project proposal. However, we hesitated whether to try at all or not because we had just over a month before the deadline for submitting the project proposal.


Since this would be our first project proposal, we thought about what we could come up with, so we could quickly create a project application that would be useful for us in our future work and the one we could implement as simply as possible. What we unanimously agreed on at the beginning is that for the first time we will only try out the mobility of employees, and that we will leave the mobility of students for a chance when we get a little more Erasmus-older.


Do we want some kind of environmental preservation project? Or should we think about a healthy diet? Or maybe something about sustainable development? Or maybe something about ICT? ICT... Yes! ICT! That's it! The idea slowly began getting its shape. We thought about the fact that it would be good to try to encourage all those in our collective who still do not actively use ICT to the extent that they could, to try to raise the use of ICT to a slightly higher level. To tell the truth, during the pandemic remote teaching ICT was already over the heads of many, so many have already started to shy away from it. However, precisely because of the overload of ICT usage during the pandemic for everyone, we mostly failed to see the advantages of using ICT in teaching. Therefore, we decided to work on strengthening the use of ICT both among our colleagues and students.


In that month time, we gathered several times to consider the project proposal, the four of us and the headmaster. We often communicated remotely, participated together in editing the project proposal, until its final appearance. We thought: why not, let's try it! And that's how the project proposal was born, which was ultimately approved as it is. And here we are now.