
Scientific programme

13 Symposia with invited speakers and a Poster Session with offered presentations on subjects independent of the Symposium topics.

Location and dates:

The XIV OPTIMA Meeting will take place at the Agricultural University of Athens. The outline programme is as follows:

1-2 October: Non-public meetings of the International Board, Executive Council, and Scientific Commissions;

2-5 October: Scientific programme;

6 October: Post-Meeting excursion.

Official languages:

English and French

Registration fees

Registration fee covers

Full (1-3): book of abstracts, programme, all printed meeting documents, welcome reception, coffee breaks, lunches, post-meeting excursion.

Accompanying persons: programme, welcome reception, coffee breaks, lunches, post-meeting excursion.

Students: book of abstracts, programme, welcome reception, coffee breaks, lunches, post-meeting excursion.

Please note that:

- Members of the Organizing and Scientific Committees & members of the Executive Council of OPTIMA are exempted from paying the fee.

- Invited speakers will pay a regular fee of 200 €, as well as the Social Dinner (optional). Speakers of symposia 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 can ask their symposium organizers to have their fee covered by OPTIMA.

- People intending to participate a single day will pay a fee of 80 €.

Book of proceedings: Scientific contributions, subject to fast-line peer review, will be published in the journal Flora Mediterranea electronically and in print.

Payment by Bank Transfer


Account no: 040 54212339

IBAN: GR49 0110 0400 0000 0405 4212 339


Currency Code: Euro

Code BIC (SWIFT address) (obligatory): ETHNGRAA

Information of beneficiary: XVI OPTIMA Meeting (03.0052) – Name of the participant

Please send the receipt of your payment to

Invoices can be provided by contacting us at


20 March 2019: Submission of titles of oral communications.

25 June 2019: Payment of (regular) registration fee.

25 June 2019: Abstract submission.

Meeting Center, Transports and Accommodation

The XVI OPTIMA Meeting will be held at the Agricultural University of Athens.

Please visit our website for more details:

Cancellation Policies

Any cancellations must be sent in writing to the organizers by e-mail:

Cancellation with full refund will be possible before 5 July 2019.

until 16 July 2019: 50% refund of paid fees;

until 31 July 2019: 25% refund of paid fees;

No refund can be provided after 31 July 2019.

All bank fees (including contingent liabilities) are to be paid by the participant.

Scientific Presentations

Each registered participant is entitled to present a single poster presentation. This does not prevent multiple presence as a co-author of contributions by other registered participants.

Oral presentations

Please adhere to the time limits imparted by the Symposium Organizer. Power-point projection will be provided. If in need of other facilities, please contact the Organizers (

Poster presentations

We are glad to inform authors of abstracts accepted for poster presentation, that XVI OPTIMA Meeting will introduce e-posters.

E-poster is the electronic version (one .ppt slide) of the traditional, printed poster, except that it is viewable on screen. The entire process of creating, submitting, managing and presenting e-poster will be done electronically, without the need to print it out, transport it and then display it, avoiding the economic and environmental costs of printing conventional posters.

E-posters will be presented on special monitors at the conference venue.

Detailed instructions of the preparation and submission of the e-posters will be available at the XVI OPTIMA Meeting webpage (

Abstract submission

Abstracts will be published in the Abstract Book. They will be printed as submitted (except for formatting), or but slightly edited.

Abstracts will only be accepted in electronic format and conditional upon prior payment of the registration fee. No abbreviation is allowed in the title. Addresses should be brief and not include academic titles. The text must be in English or French and is not to exceed 400 words. Longer abstracts will be shortened at the Organizers’ discretion, or when this is not possible, they will be returned. Abbreviations other than those internationally accepted should not be used. No references and footnote can be permitted.

Abstracts must be sent by e-mail to Deadline for abstract submission is June 25, 2019. Abstracts submitted after this date will not be included in the Abstract book.

Upon request, a letter of acknowledgement / acceptance can be sent to the author’s e-mail address.

For any inquiries please contact us at

We are looking forward to welcome you in Athens!

Please register here: