Symposium 7

New Methods in Plant Systematics

New Methods in Plant Systematics

Symposium organizers: Karol Marhold & Christoph Oberprieler


1) Frajman B., Záveská E., Schönswetter P.: Integrating next generation sequencing, ecological niche modelling and classical phylogenetic and morphometric methods disentangles relationships within Eurasian Euphorbia seguieriana alliance (Euphorbiaceae).

2) Tomasello S., Karbstein K., Hodač L., Pätzold C., Hörandl E.: Resolving phylogenetic relationships in Ranunculus auricomus using target enrichment.

3) Liveri E., Crowl A.A., Mavrodiev E., Yildirim H., Kamari G., Phitos D., Cellinese N.: Another piece of the puzzle, another brick in the wall: the inevitable fate of Campanula L. section Quinqueloculares Phitos.

4) Aydin Z.U., Dönmez A.A., Koch M.A.: Efficiency of plant DNA barcoding for taxonomy: A case study in Dianthus L. (Caryophyllaceae).

5) Wagner F., Ott T., Schall M., Lautenschlager U., Vogt R., Oberprieler C.: Taming the Red Bastards: Hybridisation and species delimitation in the Rhodanthemum arundanum-group (Compositae, Anthemideae).

6) D´Antraccoli M., Roma-Marzio F., Carta A., Peruzzi L.: Patterns of floristic richness in the Euro-Mediterranean area.

7) Karbstein K., Tomasello S., Hodac L., Daubert M. & Hörandl E.: New approaches in TaxonOmics: RADseq supported by geometric morphometrics uncovers relationships of sexual species within the Ranunculus auricomus complex

Call for contributions

The 16th OPTIMA (Organization for the Phyto-Taxonomic Investigation of the Mediterranean Area) meeting will be held in Athens (Greece) from the 2nd to the 5th of October 2019.

Symposium 7 at this meeting is organised by Christoph Oberprieler (Regensburg, Germany) and Karol Marhold (Bratislava, Slovakia) and deals with

New Methods in Plant Systematics

It will contain 5 oral communications each 30 minutes long (including questions). Talks may be given in English or in French, the official languages of the meeting.

To make a proposal for an oral contribution to this symposium please send an abstract of about one page before the February 15, 2019 to my email address

The following topics may be addressed:

- Next-Generation-Sequencing techniques (RAD-seq, GBS, etc.)

- Species-tree reconstruction methods

- species delimitation techniques

- eco-climatological niche modelling

- new morphometrical approaches

- experimental plant systematics

- cytological approaches

The propositions will be submitted to a scientific committee and a final programme established in March 2019. For accepted propositions, a definitive title and abstract of the talk should be submitted by the end of February 2016.

The organizing committee will have some limited funding to help finance the participation of speakers coming from outside of Greece.

Regensburg, the 31st January 2019

Christoph Oberprieler