
The students participating in the project mobilities have received the Europass mobility document.

Activities / Tasks carried out

Poland: Activities around the theme of the air based on the Iquiry Based Learning / Visit to the salt mines / Work on the scientific characteristics of air / Work with ICT tools / Creation of knowledge dissemination materials

Italy:Activities around the theme of the image based on the Iquiry Based Learning / Visit to Castellana grove / Work on the scientific characteristics of image / Work with ICT tools / Creation of knowledge dissemination materials

Greece:Activities around the theme of thewater based on the Iquiry Based Learning  / Work on the scientific characteristics of water / Work with ICT tools / Creation of knowledge dissemination materials / Visit Agia lake / Visit 

Job-related skills and competences

Language skills and competences

Computer skills and competences

Organisational skills and competences

Social skills and competences

Other skills and competences