Task No

Task Name 



Preparation and conducting the ONE International Summer School 

In Year 1 we offer an international summer school (112 hours, 4 ECTS, 25 enrolled participants) on EU environmental innovation and its application in Mongolia. It will be open call and target both students and professionals; high interest from NUM students is expected. The idea behind the school is that it will receive most of attention of EU collaborators, and serve as a training and knowledge exchange opportunity for domestic teaching staff, who will, together with EU colleagues, develop a detailed syllabus and teaching & learning contents, set-up case studies, jointly teach, and co-supervise student research groups. The expertise exchange will be in terms of EU and related topics, and also teaching and learning methods, in particular for creating space for self-reflection, creativity and critical thinking in a classroom. The first part of the School will consist of lectures and workshops on EU subjects, theory, methodology and in-hand tools; it will be webcast to ensure broader outreach and dissemination; by the end of it the participants will split in topic groups and develop research proposals based on predefined topics and starting set of materials addressing a specific environmental issue. The second part will be a field period whereas topic groups will explore various environmental sectors, interact with stakeholders and develop specific solutions to the researched problems. This part will be used to collect evidence and visuals for curricula to be taught from the Year 2 on, and it will contribute to the research program. An evaluation session at the end of the school and anonymous questionaries will be used to take lessons for further teaching and curriculum development. The School, except formal collaborators, will involve a broad range of stakeholder partners contributing to different specific tasks, and our side objective will be to secure their commitment for further collaboration on the module. Summer schools as a format appeals to broad audiences, and we are planning to use it for initial project dissemination waves through a variety of media. 


Developing and teaching 3 disciplines for degree students 

In Year 2 and 3 we offer 3 disciplines to NUM undergraduate students: (1) EU sustainable development policies (64 hours / 3ECTS, 30 students), (2) Green finances (based on overview of EU practices and discussing them in Mongolian context; 22 hours / 1 ECTS, 15 students) and (3) Nature-based solutions and territorial resilience (based on the discussion of the eponymous EU research and innovation policy agenda and its implementation; 26 hours / 1 ECTS, 15 students). All the courses will be optional; discipline (1) will be offered in English (co-taught by NUM an EU faculty), and disciplines (2) and (3) in Mongolian (mostly taught by NUM faculty, with several sessions run by EU faculty with word-to-word interpreting, and course (2) co-taught with MSFA). All the disciplines will be duly accredited and integrated to relevant curricula. The courses will be partly based on the experience, lessons and materials from the summer school, and from the research program of ONE. All the disciplines will be evaluated by students, and their feedback will be discussed within the project groups and used for enhancing curricula and teaching methodology. 


Development of e-learning resources based on the course offer 

To ensure broad access to EU studies, at least 16 academic hours/year will be webcast, and a package of MOOC-like materials covering 6 key module’s topics will be developed by the end of year 2 and disseminated through the e-learning systems on NUM and MSFA. 


Research activities and development of academic publications 

The research program includes field (interviews, assessment of ecosystem quality) to be started in the frame of the Summer School, and then complemented with desk research. Before the field period a range of appropriate case studies will be identified (with preliminary data on case studies to be used for group research in the summer school); summer school research will help to drop less relevant and to retain more relevant cases. The second round of field work (focusing on the retained cases) will be run on the Year 2 in order to fill the gaps in evidence identified during desk studies, and also to enhance case studies on application of EU innovation and to collect missing visuals for the ONE’s curriculum. The first outcomes of the ONE’s research will be discussed with stakeholder and academic communities academia-praxis workshop and roundtable early during the Year 3. Based on discussion outcomes, final versions of manuscripts analysing EU innovations will be submitted to national and international peer review journals (2 in total). Upon acceptance the papers will be further disseminated through dedicated events (expected after the end of the project). 


Dissemination, including an academiapraxis workshop and roundtable 

Project dissemination is embedded in deliverables connected to tasks 1.3 & 1.4 that are dissemination media on its own, such as elearning materials, MOOC-like online courses or academic papers. A dedicated event to be organised is an academia-praxis workshop and roundtable (early in the Year 3, at least 25 participants) whereby we disseminate the outcomes of our research and present our educational offer; in addition to dissemination objectives, the event will also serve QA purposes, with a feedback from participants being used for enhancing the outputs. Dedicated dissemination activities further will include setting up a project website containing info on all the project activities, events, plans and deliverables (including the links to elearning), and a dedicated FB group aiming at networking within the broader project groups, and also at reaching audiences outside academic and professional communities. The project will maintain presence in NUM & MSFA corporate and national circulation media reporting through them on outputs and announcing events. Partner networks will be involved for circulation of project updates. ONE’s visual identity will be promoted through a logo, banner and branded templates for slides.