Complementarity with other actions and innovation

ONE partly builds on outcomes of two Erasmus+ CBHE projects involving NUM – URGENT and INTENSE. The outcomes of surveys, workshops and meetings organized under these projects have been used for our needs analysis: in the course of projects’ implementation we have met representatives of various stakeholder groups and academic institutions. As long as the project belonged to the Erasmus+ family, many questions asked were about preconditions for the transfer of European expertise, but also demonstrated poor understanding of European institutions and transfer tools, and that the knowledge and understanding of the EU is becoming an important competence even for those working outside the international relations or development fields, but also for anyone involved in the development and implementation of environmental policies or even to export-oriented business. An additional input from those projects is establishing a network of academic and praxis partners willing to contribute to teaching, research and dissemination. 

ONE will use outcomes of MSFA’s collaboration with FMO and IFC on the development of e-learning platform on sustainable finance for bank officers. We will use it to disseminate e-learning contents of EU green finance (the green finance course will be offered through it as well as through the e-learning of NUM) and the interactive MOOC-like course on EU environmental innovation. 

Activities envisioned by ONE are marginally complementary to the two recently launched projects: “SDG-aligned Budgeting to Transform Employment in Mongolia” currently implemented by UNDP with the support from the EU and “Sustainable Resilient Ecosystem and Agriculture Management in Mongolia – “STREAM” co-funded by the EU and Germany and implemented by FAO and GIZ. Addressing the topics similar to the ONE’s, the рrojects very much rely on the transfer of EU expertise. ONE will explore collaboration opportunities, so the first outcomes of these projects could be used in ONE curricula and learning materials, and the project experience would be reflected upon in ONE’s research outputs. In its turn ONE will complement capacity-building efforts of these project by spreading knowledge about the EU, where it is relevant in terms of main project topics – climate change resilience and sustainable growth. 

ONE will be implemented through the partnership with Estonian, German and Italian partners, its results would represent direct interest to the countries’ development agencies, academic and business communities, and foster their public diplomacy through direct people-to-people links. Projects publications will be of direct interest to a broad readership concerned with transfer of EU environmental innovation in the region and beyond. This will help to advance key EU development objectives in Mongolia, especially one on sustainable growth.