Impact and ambition 

As the short-term (during the project lifetime) effect, ONE will make at least 115 enrolled and over 200 informal learners aware of EU policies, institution and environmental innovation through ONE’s teaching and e-learning, inform over 50 academics and stakeholder representatives about applicability and options for EU environmental innovation in Mongolia (through a workshop and its webcasting), and attract over 200 other online users to EU issues through the webpage and the FB community. 

As the medium-term (within 3 years after the end of the project) effect, the curricula developed under ONE will reach 135 students through degree teaching programs at NUM and over 300 informal learners, inform broad international and national academic audiences through papers in journals (the audiences is not estimable) about applicability and options for EU environmental innovation in Mongolia, attract over 300 other online users to EU issues through the webpage and the FB community, and steer business, policy and NGO communities towards green operations and utilisation of EU experience through graduated NUM students and learners enrolled to MSFA e-learning. 

As the long-term effect (beyond 3 years after the end of the project), ONE is expected to make substantial impact on academic communities in Mongolia whereas more environmental fields at a variety of HEIs would become exposed to EU studies and research and teaching of EU subject would proliferate, and on business, policy and broader stakeholder communities whereas relevant EU tools, policy, best practices and standards would become the first reference point in terms of green transition. 

The key target groups are (1) students and other formal learners (enrolled to the summer school and degree programs of NUM), (2) informal learners (following learning contents through e-learning without enrolling to programs of NUM) belonging to financial or production sectors, (3) other governmental and non-governmental stakeholder representatives, (4) Mongolian academics in the NUM and beyond, (5) international (in particular European) research and policy communities.