Mac Install

  1. Download the ObieApp zip in the mac folder on the Google Drive.

  2. You will need to unzip the software. DO NOT run it from within the zip - LabVIEW gets confused.

  3. Drag the unzipped ObieApp OUT OF the downloads folder and place it wherever you want (the Applications folder might be a convenient place to put it).

  4. Try to open the app, the OS will return a dialog box saying "no" because this is an unsanctioned piece of software (basically I am too lazy to go through the time and expense to get it sanctioned)

3. Click Cancel and then go to your System Preferences and select Security and Privacy.

4. Click on "Open Anyway"

5. And it will ask you one more time - click "Open"

6. Then you should be good to go*. Make sure your Octacapture is on and connected BEFORE starting the software.

* Big Sur users - you will have to run these two lines into the terminal:

    • App users

      1. defaults write com.Rogerse.OberlinAcoustics NSGraphicsContextAllowOverRestore -bool YES

      2. defaults write com.Rogerse.OberlinAcoustics NSViewAllowsRootLayerBacking 0

    • LabVIEW users

      1. defaults write NSGraphicsContextAllowOverRestore -bool YES

      2. defaults write NSViewAllowsRootLayerBacking 0