Take Sample Data

    1. Click on the arrow on the right hand side of Test (top left of the screen, see image to the right). Select the option "ScratchPad." A test window should appear.

      • *TIP: The scratchpad is a good tool to try out your hardware and test out different settings, before starting to collect actual experiment data.

    2. Make sure the device is set to OCTA-CAPTURE, and the Trigger is set to Hammer (force).

    3. Let the hammer hit the bridge. All 3 of the left-hand side plots on the test window should start filling up with each tap.

4. If you want to change parameters, you can click on “settings” in the middle above the left-hand plots, or drag cursors around as follows. See the section, Customize Your App, for additional information on the settings.

*TIP: It is NOT recommended to click on the settings tab and change template parameters mid-acquisition.

      • On the left-hand plots:

        • The purple line is the trigger line

        • Green lines are the cutoff filters for the hammer and the microphone

      • Scaling axes - You can scale any axis at any time by double-clicking on the number that shows the max/min, and typing in the desired end value.

5. The test should be complete once the number of taps recorded reaches the number of taps/position setting. (The default for the scratchpad is 5 taps per position)